Stocklist for a 80g bowfront?


I currently have a 80g bowfront. I would like to do FOWL. An agressive selection. Im thinking...
- Porc puffer
- Naso tang
- Huma Huma
- Spony boxfish
Pro's and cons?


Active Member
Cons - size of mature fish. They would be okay for a while, but you could probably only get away with one of those in the long run.
Pros - all very cool fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dstoneburg
I currently have a 80g bowfront. I would like to do FOWL. An agressive selection. Im thinking...
- Porc puffer
- Naso tang
- Huma Huma
- Spony boxfish
Pro's and cons?
Lots of big fish, very large bio load.


Any more information. I guess my part I should ask more specific questions, so here it goes.
Hows the compatability?
What order should I add them?
How long would you guestimate until I need to find them a new home?


New Member
Pros- cool fish
Cons- Box fish, Naso
The Huma will be the most aggressive fish by far. Not likely to eat the others so long as they're similar size but will out feed them. Followed by the puffer, slow but powerful. Generally a fairly ok fish unless it decides to eat something. The odd man out is the Naso. The're vegetarians and everything else you list is carnivorous. Will probably do ok if you can supplement with vegetable matter. The weak link is the boxfish. They're very cool but don't generally do well in aquaria. They are coral feeders and although they will take meaty foods, they usually slowly wither unless you can provide them with lots of corals and inverts to eat. I wouldn't recommend one. Here's what I'd do - Huma good, keep him. Naso - ok but you could do better, think Lionfish or Look Down Jack? maybe an eel. Puffer- a solid choice. Boxfish- forget it. Will cost you money and will die. Instead of him, get a Harlequin Wrasse. Cool, pretty and hardy as well as well very compatible. Cheers!