stocklist? please critique


We have a 125 right now that has:
2 yellow chromis (saved from the 37)
1 blue chromis (Saved from the 37)
1 blk/wht clown (saved from the 37)
2 banggai cardinals
1 female bamboo shark (raising for a friend who works for the local aquarium breeding program she is under 14")
we have kept the stock list low so the shark has most ideal water quality but she will be moving out in the next 6mos or so.. we have had her since april and shes grown very slow but it does open our possibilities for additions.
we are running a wet/dry sump with 3100 rio pump for return, (2) 1300gph powerheads & (2) 400gph koralia powerheads and a skimmer, approx 90lbs of live rock and a handful of corals. Our parameters are perfect.
What we want to add:
Blue Hippo
Yellow Tang
Sailfin Tang
Naso Tang (with intent to send to the seaquarium when it gets too big)
about 4-6 more banggai cardinals

Critiques, suggestions, comments PLEASE!


Active Member
I would personally pick either the blue hipp OR naso tang AND yellow tang OR sailfin tang. I would limit it to 2 tangs though and of different body types. JMO but good choices to pick from


Blue hippo and yellow tang ;) .... what about a big school of the cardinals? what is a good number?


Active Member
I have a yellow belly blue hippo and a yellow tang in my 90g and both are healthy and fine although the blue hippo really could use a bigger tank.
I've heard cardinals are agressive to each other in numbers but I have no personal experience with them.
I kind of do want some some bangai's myself though for my frag tank.


see and ive been told/heard they do better in groups... i guess we will see how these two do. i love blue hippos!! we had a baby one that turned itself around in the rocks and got stuck and by the time i found it the poor thing was on the brink of death :(


I've never seen Cardinals aggressive towards each other. I have a close buddy who breeds about 15 of them in a 125g.
I would think that Hippo tangs would need a lot more swimming space then a hundred gallons once full grown...
Have you thought about any of the wrasses that stay around 6"? Like the Christmas, Fourline, Lunar or Dusky wrasse even? All very colorful and active.


i havnt thought about the wrasses as the ones that are "Reef safe" didnt really do much for me besides the mystery and they are a bit pricey, still may consider it though.
Beautiful tank!! Holy smokes!! I like those TY hippos, much more unique then the regular ones that I would be sticking with hehe, besides we already have enough yellow in our tank with the yellow tang we would get and yellow chromis