

New Member
My tank is on order and in the meantime I've been researching and reading like mad. In researching the fish I want and their compatabilities towards other fish...this is what I came up with :
2 percula clowns
Purple tang
Marine beta
Six Line Wrasse
Lawnmower Blenny
So far it looks like they should all get along in what Ive read. Im still looking for 1, maybe 2 more fish for my tank but they will be added slowly and not in that particular order. BTW I will be getting a 125 gallon.
Any comments/suggestions?
Tangs need lots of algae for grazing and so do LMB, I have heard these two are tough to keep and may require some sheets of algae. The others look good. You have a lot of room, compared to my 55, I would get a puffer or a lion, once things are established. Forget the tangs for a while. Good luck, don't rush it, start with the clowns they are the cheapest and toughest.


New Member
Pufffer wont work with the plans I have for getting soft corals in the future. Lionfish will probably eat my inverts and Sixline wrasse. I had a sailfin tang and blue hippo tang years ago and I do remember feeding them algae flakews...memory is coming back. Im getting back into the hobby and doing it right this time (I had alot of bad habits due to the LFS back then).