

Active Member
i realize that this thread pops up a lot, but i was wondering if you guys could list the fish & inverts in your tank, along with tank size and any other info such as equipment youd like to offer? new tank in the process, and i need ideas, cause its starting to come along, finally.
thanks =)


Active Member
no... go do some searches!! :p
90 gallon
2 false percs
yellowtail damsel (perfect angel btw added him last)
coral beauty
yellow watchman
green chromis
coolest inverts: sexy shrimp, urchin and tube anenome (dont bother with mexican turbo snails)
2 x hk4
300w (or 200w) jebo heater
selfmade sump with dsb/chaeto
mag5 (probably should be a mag7) return pump
aquac remora insump skimmer (wish i didn't have it)


Active Member
20 gallon long
1 2inch tomatoe clown
1 2 1/2 bicolor anthias
1 1inch purple back dottyback
1 mated pair of coral banded shrimp
1 porcilian chrab(hitchhiker)
1 condy anemone(hosted by clown)
1 green goniopora(size of a football)
1 red/purple goniopora
12-13 heads of neon green candy cane coral(splitting like crazy)
70 green centered palys
2 red mushrooms
2 bullseye mushrooms
2 green rics(soon to be 4)
1 wall hammer
and some gsp coming this weekend
i have a so gallon long
with 2 hob filters one ruuning at 250 gph and one at 100 gph
t5 lights running 70 watts


I have a 180G uniquarium with 2 skimmers and a Nova extreme pro light .
1 foxface
2 b/w ocellaris clowns
1 royal gramma
1 tomini tang
1 lieutenant tang
6 geen chromis
2 skunk cleaners
5 peppermint shrimp (Not sure how many I have, I rarely see them)
Dwarf red hermits
14 turbo snails
1 favia
blue mushrooms


Active Member
Heres my Equipment list:
55g with a 30g sump/refugium total water volume ~70g
2- 250w MH and 4- 65w PC's
AquaC EV-180 skimmer
1- K4 PH
1- K3 PH
Ehiem canister
Quietone 3000 return pump
My stock list:
2- False Percula clowns
1- Hippo Tang
1- Fridmani Pseudochromis
1- Blue Linkia star
1- Green Brittle star
1- Sally Lightfoot crab
1- Crocea Clam
Coral list:
Kenya Trees
Red sea fan
Green Digitata
Lavander digitata
Monitpora Cap
Maze brain
Moon coral
Pink birdsnest
Eagleeye Zoas
Radioactive Green dragoneye zoas
Lime green Palys
Orange bam bam zoas
Dirty bluejeans zoas
"Slap your Mama" zoas
Brown zoas
Blue Tortusa Acro
Milipora acro
Candy cane
Green mushrooms
Green frilly mushrooms
Green Valida acro
I think thats all of it.


Active Member
Blueface Angel
Naso Tang
Blue Spotted Puffer
Leopard Wrasse
Percula clown pair
3 types of Monti caps (green w/purple rim green w/white rim, brown with white polyps)
2 Pocilipora (one red, one green)
Tri-Color Acro
Porties rock (former X-mas tree rock, the worms died)
Bubble Tip Anem.
Some large mushrooms
6 types of photosynthenic gorgonians (2 'sea plumes', 2 purple whips, 1 bottlebrush, 1 fan blade)
Aqua C EV240 Skimmer w/Mag 18
2x 175w MH 2x 110w VHO actnics
Mag 18 return
Wave2k center model
Maxi-jet 1200
rubbermaid sump
seperate 29gal fuge
25watt Aquanetics UV
TFL phosban reactor
300w titanium heater
Misbar clown pair
Orange Stripe Cardinal
Red Open Brain
Short Tentacle Plate coral
Aussie favia
Acan colony (over 45 heads)
Candy Cane
2 types of xenia
at least 7 types of zoas/palyps (sorry, not sure exactly what they are)
large HI feather duster
2x 65w PC's
single 150gph noname powerhead
HOB magnum fitler
50w Stealth heater
55gal QT:

Spiny Burrfish (headed for another tank)
Blue-green chromis (permanent QT dither fish)
Rocky Beauty Angel (headed for the 125)
2x Emporer 330 Filters
150w heater
2x strip lights
Temporary 90gal:

Yellow Tang
Lunare Wrasse
Picasso Trigger
Half Black Angel
2x Lyretail Anthias (1M, 1F)
2x Chalk Bassl
Southern Puffers
Flavicauda Pygmy Angel
Yellowtail Damsel
Ringneck Blenny
Pajama Cardinal
Lei Trigger (in sump)
Pixie Hawkfish (in sump)
Brown polyps
Yellow polyps
elongate Xenia
ER RC80 skimmer
29gal sump with 10gal fuge
additional 10gal fuge
3x 200gph'ish powerheads
x2 25w T5
10gal planted:

Ulva Algae
Serrated Feather Caluerpa
Suction Cup Caluerpa
Turtle Grass Sprout
Cat Eye Zoas
WWC Pink Paly's
Brown Polyps
Misc Paly's
Green Montipora Cap
Red Lobophyllia sp.
Large Toadstool
Tiny (.5") Horseshoe Crab
2 - Nassarius Snails
Sargassum Shrimp
2x small HOB filters


Active Member
Equip: 55 gal with 15gal sump, Tunze nanostreams, maxijet mod, PM es-100 skimmer, mag-7 returns, aquactinics TX5 5-bulb T5 fixture
Inverts: 2x T. croceas, BTA, diadema urchin, snails, hermits, conch
Corals: crap load of SPS and LPS
Fish: ocellaris pair, blue damsel, 3-stripe damsel < (getting rid of)
going to add: yellow assessor, sixline wrasse, pair of bangaii, 3x bar gobies

coral keeper

Active Member
28 gallon HQI Nano-Cube.
Here is my stock list:
Large Female Maroon Clownfish
Royal Gramma
Yellow Coris Wrasse
1 Tear Drop Maxima clam
1 Crocea clam
1 Bumble Bee snail
2 Nass. snails
around 30+ lb of LR
around 2 lb of LR rubble in the fuge
30 lb of sand
Large Feather Duster
Purple Brush Gorgonian
Mini Brittle stars
Hermit Crab
Hair Mushrooms
Red/Teal Mushrooms
1 Green and 1 Pink Florida rics
Eagle Eye Zoas
True Tubbs Blue Zoas
Pink with green skirt zoas
Toad stool
Large Cabbage coral
Kenya Tree
Colt Coral
Tyree Blue Chalice
Pink and Green Chalice
Blue with green eyes Chalice
Lava Flow Chalice
Metallic Green Torch Coral
Green Candy canes
Galaxy Coral
Purple Acans
Sweet Tooth Micro Acan
Hot Pink Birdsnest
Tubs Blue Polyp Birdsnest
ORA Green Birdsnest
Ponape Birdsnest
"TEC" Forest Fire Digi
Red Digi
German Blue Polyp Digi
Miami Orchid
Purple tip Acro
"TEC" Pumpkin Patch Mili
True Leng Sye Montipora Cap
Idaho Grape Montipora Cap
Orange Encrusting Montipora
Red with Glowing Orange polyps Encrusting Montipora
BLOOD RED Encrusting Montipora
Halimeda scabra (Money Plant)
150 watt 14000°K HQI Metal Halide
Total of about 800 GPH in flow
150 watt heater
Fan for cooling the tank during the summer
Fuge light in the back

matt b

Active Member
3 chromis
2 B&W clowns
2 banggai
bi colored blenny
tomini tang
powder brown tang
LE beat your gandma with a baseball bat zoanthid
LE scary alian eye zonthid
LE matalic superman skirt zoanthid
Super LE mc dreamy zoanthid
God people give zoanthid the dumbest names. Why do people name them anyway?
People piss me off when they give corals rare sounding names to make more money. like if u said purple center with grey skirt you would get like 25 bucks. if your said purple deaths you would get 50


Active Member
Originally Posted by MaTT B
God people give zoanthid the dumbest names. Why do people name them anyway?
People piss me off when they give corals rare sounding names to make more money. like if u said purple center with grey skirt you would get like 25 bucks. if your said purple deaths you would get 50
I feel the same way. What makes a coral LE anyway? Can't you keep fragging it? It's not like it's only being manufactured for a limited time

I'm not on the pay outragous prices for "rare" coral bandwagon yet.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by WangoTango
I feel the same way. What makes a coral LE anyway? Can't you keep fragging it? It's not like it's only being manufactured for a limited time

I'm not on the pay outragous prices for "rare" coral bandwagon yet.
I am really mostly into SPS and do not call a coral rare by its name. I have seen ALOT of SPS. And a coral is rare when I do not see it often. And I just judge a coral by its looks and not the name. I just think its so funny when people are paying crazy amounts of money for something that is not even cool looking.

saka bra

150 gallon tank
French angelfish~6-7 inch
2 nasos~10 inch, 4 inch
Blue hippo tang~6 inch
Sohal tang~4-5 inch
Squirrel fish~4 inch
Percula clown fish~2.5 inch
Cleaner shrimp
Fire shrimp
2 sand sifting stars
2 Colt corals
Yellow leather coral


55 gallon:
wet/dry sump.
HOB filter
HOB mini fuge
Orbit PC lighting
60+ lbs LR
30 lbs LS
assorted snails
blue legs
SS starfish
Serpent Starfish
Lettuce Nubibranch
cleaner shrimp
3 peppermint shrimp
royal gramma
pair false percs
Kole Tang
Sixline wrasse
scooter blenny
3 engineer gobies
LPS, SPS, and softies
90 Gallon:

Sump wet/dry
HOB fuge
K4 Koralia
Powersweep 228 PH
Nova Extreme Pro
110+ lbs LR
60 lbs LS
assorted snails
blue legs
SS starfish
Serpent Starfish
cleaner shrimp
1 peppermint shrimp
Assorted corals
Pair of Clarki's
Bangai cardinal
Sixline wrasse
2 engineer gobies
Yellow Watchman
3 Jerkface green chromis
Pair or Lyretail Anthias (1m,1f)
I am also picking up a Coral Beauty Angel. I am not sure which tank to put it in.

I know they are pretty much stocked.


Active Member
72 Bowfront
Fluval 404 canister
Aquaclear 70 HOB w/chaeto and clamp on light fixture
Prizm Pro skimmer
260w PC
Both PHs recently died. We'll prolly buy a couple Koralias to replace them.
Niger trigger
Maroon clown
Coral banded shrimp
Pom pm crab
Serpent sea star
Little bear conch
Blue knucle hermit
Striped leg hermits
Scarlet hermits
Hawaiian zebra hermits
Red/grey hemits (need an ID actually)
Zoanthids & Palys
Shrooms, shrooms and more shrooms
Ricordea florida and yuma