

Active Member
Tangman, the bush crew are considering lower clean air standards for refineries here in America, and I have read rumors they may tap the reserves that have been sitting since the 1973-74 oil crunch.......this may be a think? Probably not. Hybrid cars will be eventually though!!!!
My advice......think about companies that will take over the digital TV market, because all TVs will soon be digital, and they are going to sell like mad once they get down to the prices the average joe can afford to replace the old TV.......just watch. It will probably be an already major company that gets the price right first and everyone buys it......stocks go crazy!
Also, any companies that are looking good with online phone services.......they are about to boom! Home phones are about to die, and online phone services are about to go nuts.....this will be within the next 3 years I guess.
Just a few guesses from me.........we should look at this a few years from now after we make would be funny!


Active Member
I don't think that will be a huge problem, but you never know. I have a stop loss on it anyway if things turn south so I won't loose money.
Your thinking is very logical for long term investments. I have not touched my long term porfolio in quite some time, but it may be time to re-evaluate it somewhat.
I have four different brokerage accounts that I invest in different ways. The swing trading one is doing very well right now by getting in and out based on trend analysis. I'm doing much better getting out now than I did before. I never had much of a problem picking stocks that went up, I just never had the best of luck getting out of them when I should.


Active Member
Ask Warren Buffet what he thinks about that statement.
As much as I think Buffet is good at his job, he gets A LOT of assistance from the firm. He is assigned the top researchers and assistance, he is also given much more to work with than anyone else out there. The firm does a lot of the leg work for him.
Also, his picks generate huge false highs in the short run. Just by the fact that he picks a stock, it creates false highs as everyone else runs to get onto the boat. So it is a self-fulfilling prophecy that his picks will be successful.
Now that doesn't mean he's a complete hack or anything, I mean he is still damn good and has private meetings with the president, congress, and the queen of england. But he also isn't the god that many people think he is, he is a talented man with a lot more information and assistance at his fingertips than anymore else.


with limited funds available for your retirement you must ask yourself what is the definition of retirment, how much money will it take for me to retire and with the way i am currently funding my retirment how long will it take to retire and can i afford to take a gamble with this funds?
example a 35 year old person makes 60,000 per year and puts away $400 away post tax (pre-tax dollars are another unknown experts say that if you invest pre-tax dollars today when you retire your tax liablity will be less because you will have less income this is NOT true because we have no idea what the tax brackets will look like in 35 years imagine if medical insurance was paid for by the govt they will raise taxes to pay for this) for math reasons we will assume he puts $4800 in this account on dec 31 every year and it earns no interest he would accumulate $120,000 by age 65 less than 1/5 the amount he would need to retire if he was able to earn only 5% on his money and was able to live on half of what he is used to making (

is paid off)if we than consider he can earn 5% interest in the mean time he now has $281,536 and has created a tax liability of over $48,500(over his lifetime)which needed to be paid every year as he went along so this interest is not working totally in his favor because not only has he contributed $400 a month to this plan he also paid more taxes which brings his quaility of life down to be able to afford to invest so aggressively and still has less than half the amount needed to create the money he needs to retire so whats a good way to create wealth please consider the one of the few vehicles to invest where the gain is non taxble.
also please consider during the time these investments are made emergencies may arise and you must invest where there is no penalty for removing all or a portion of your investment for any reason not just a certain few that the plan or the govt decides for you what an emergency really is
if you would like i can give you any information needed and all my advise is free of charge please do not gamble with your or your children's futures