Stone Fish


I caught a stone fish last night, it was a full moon out and the sea was calm so I took advantage. A while ago I thought I had a stone fish but it was a scorpion fish and I let him go. I am wondering if he will eat anything besides live fish? My lion will almost eat shrimp but not yet. So if anyone can give me some advice on the Stone fish that would be great. I can post a picture later.


I think maby I got into something last night though. Not the stone fish, but something else. my foot has swelled up today, I might have touched something that I was not suppose to. Oh well I'll sleep on it, if it gets worse I will go to the hospital.


Nah, I am ok. My foot is still swollen and itches like crazy, but I still have full movement in my foot, I played ball for a few hours today and it does not hurt, just a few puncture marks and a swollen rash type dill. I am going to go fishing in the morning, will see if it gets worse from the salt water or somethen. Who know's, but I am cool for the moment, I just got into someting I should not have.