Stone Triggerfish


New Member
Hi I am new to the board and looking to see if any body knows where I can obtain or is selling a Pseudobalistes naufragium aka. Stone or Blunthead Triggerfish.
Thanks in advance for any info.


New Member
Thanks for your suggestion. Unfortuantly I have already tried both of those places numerous times. Randy at the marine center has tried for several years to get me the aformentioned species and FFE just tells me to periodically look on there site to see if they got one in.
As far as I know about the species, it's about as rare as the West African or Strickland Triggerfish. The triggerfish that I am looking to obtain comes from Costa Rica and is extremely vicious. The little information that I have read on this fish warns that they make the queen and titan trigger look like niger triggers in terms of aggression.
If you know of any retailer that specialize's in Costa Rica shipments or extremely rare fish I would appreciate it.
I dont know much about retailers in costa rica, but if they are as rare as you mentioned then finding one will be pretty tough, why dont you try other triggers, my favorite triggers are the queen, the undulate, many others.


New Member
Forgot to mention that the page from your link has some misinformation on it. The picture of the Picasso Trigger (R. aculeatus) is actually a Crescent Triggerfish (R. lunula).
Just to let you know.