stoopid noob Q


A reef tank is a tank with corals in it, a LR tank is a tank with just LR. You can make a LR tank into a reef by adding corals.


Originally Posted by druluv
I smell fresh meat

when can i add plants/inverts to a tank, how soon after i add live rock if i have had fish in there for 2-3 minths then added live rock


Active Member
wait, do you already have live rock?
if not you are going to want to make sure it is "cured". Or else your tank will go through another cycle. smell it, if it smells like death, dont buy it. or if you are ordering online, even though they say it is cured, that means they send it to you cured. Once you get it, a lot of htings will die from being sent through the mail, this is called die off and you will have to cure it is a separate container.
a good rule is adding ananemes/corals 4-6 months after your trank has cycled. some corals need longer, some will do well if added before that time even. but make sure you have the lighting.....
but since we have moved to corals and things
what is your set up?
welcome :happy:


ya the LFS i buy from says that ALL the live rock is cured, they never carry any uncured LR. Tank has cycled, although I am still battling the occasional black slime algae. I know i need some more lighting for corals, I am only - 55W now, not sure if that is even adequate enough for inverts or not, if it is any suggestions on what i could get. would like to get an aneome for my Clark ii soon if possible, and will add a new piece of LR about every 2weeks, trying to avoid too much spiking since there is Livestock in the tank already.
55g 1 dual t5 54w coralife (1-actinic;1-10k)Skilter250-used as secondary/skimmer, Merlin plus 60-used as primary powered by a PH 301, air pump w/ bubble wall-cheesy ya i know but it looks cool, 3 yellowtail damsels, 1 clark ii, 1 spotted sweetlips, 4 red legged hermit, 1 emerald crab. Tank is almost 4 months old, Used live crushed coral and let it cycle w/ just that for about a month and a half before adding 6 damsels- 2 were killed off by a bully, who once put in hospital tank died about a week ago... filter running that one died on me. BTW is there anyway to add my equiptment to a signature so i dont have to keep typing it in??? CKd in user sp but coundln't fiond a way to add it.


If you want to keep an anemone you will definately need to upgrade your lighting, and that will depend on which kind of anemone you want. I have a bubble tip with 265 w of PC light. Wouldnt recomend keeping one with any less. Most other anemones if not all require much more light. Also unless you are planning to upgrade your tank anytime soon you may want to think about returning the spotted sweetlips. They get huge and UGLY. I'm not flaming you, just letting you know I did the same thing. Mine started eating my crabs and snails. Some pet store will not take them back if you let them get too big.
Good luck and show some pics of your tank if you have them.


ya i tried returning him, they said they dont do exchanges/returns on SW fish, but if he grew too big for the tank they would buy him back for their own instore display tank... go figure... I found out about him AFTER i bought him, and have recieved nothing but grief about it since.. thanx for not flaming me ;) I guess theres nothing left to do but see how long i can keep him, unless someone on here wanted to work out a trade, He is eating and doing well, fed him some frozen shrimp last night, and he seems to be living peacefully in his own little owrld in my tank. I've also been told they usually dont make it to adulthood, so we'll see what happens with him. My tank pics are here


Hey the tank is comin along. Don't know if you have seen it but a cheaper way to go to fill your tank up is to use base rock. I got lucky and bought mine for about a dollar a pound. I did about 40 lbs of live rock and 40 lbs of base rock. It saved me alot of money. Also you can make your own with a cement mix. After time it all becomes LR. Just have to be patient. If you decide to try and make your own do a search on Oceana's posts. She had described how she made hers.
Good luck.


Yeah i saw that one thanx, going to put in at lease about 60# more of LR, possible was going to go 60/40 LR/BR, an let it grow on its own, but not real sure yet. Starting to notice some "growth" on the rocks before i added the LR, nothing big, just some aglae. Was told by the LFS it was the start of (sorry forgot the name of it)- the purple algae on my LR. so We'll see.. Thanx for all your help guys (and gals)