stop parasite or kick ick


New Member
I've finally cycled my 125gl FOWLR tank for over a month. I have had my gold strip and bi color angel Qt'ed for 4 weeks. last week i've introduced them into my display tank and a week later, some white spots are some of my fishes. anthias has one spot on his gill, and my bi color angel has a couple of spots. what is a good product to use? kick ick or stop parasite? ick is still in its early stage, and i will have an 18watt coralife uv installed this friday. all fish foods are soaked in selcon, garlic guard, and zoe. please help me!


Active Member
I have had EXTREMELY better results with Stop Parasite. Stop Parasite has worked every time I have used it, whereas, it seems Kick Ich works 25-50% of the time.


New Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
I have had EXTREMELY better results with Stop Parasite. Stop Parasite has worked every time I have used it, whereas, it seems Kick Ich works 25-50% of the time.
where can i get stop parasite from?