stop parasite


lately i've noticed alot of controversy on the stop parasites product so i decided to try it for myself i'll be posting my results on here day to day
day 1 : i noticed about 3-5 ich spots on my coral beauty it was late so i couldn't go out to get meds
day 2 : before i leave i count around 20 ich spots i return about 9 hrs later and there are approximetly 30 spots. i add the recomended dosage
day 3 : in the morning there is no sign of improvement so i add the next dose. i return home from school about 8 hours later and all the ich appears to be gone. according to the directions i still have 3.5 days left i'll keep you posted
all parameters are in check : ammo. 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 0 ph 8.2 temp 79 - 80
current stop parasites rating : 4.5 because it clouds the tank almost like ammonia but it's not too bad
peppermint shrimp and live rock are fine


Staff member
Don't get too excited. The life cycle of ich runs in stages. You will not know if it "really" worked for a couple of wks.


I am using stop parasite to keep the ich off my fish while my QT sets up. I am on day three of the recommended dosage, and I have NOT seen any reduction in what I think to be ich. I have a post on here titled My Tank Has Ick Need Help! showing the progression too.
Best of luck : )


Originally Posted by Beth
Don't get too excited. The life cycle of ich runs in stages. You will not know if it "really" worked for a couple of wks.


i'm well aware of ich's life cycle and how long it can remain dormant. if this stuff works i'll buy another bottle to use for about a month and a half to make sure the rest dies.


Originally Posted by surferb
i'm well aware of ich's life cycle and how long it can remain dormant. if this stuff works i'll buy another bottle to use for about a month and a half to make sure the rest dies.
goodluck, surferb. i hope this works for u... the thing is, i used this, 2 times already, and the second one during hypo. but, it never worked for me. sure they leave the fishes for like 3 days or so, but they keep on coming back. they don't die with SP. they just temporarily "leave" their host. why don't u try hypo together with the SP? it might work for u.......


i dont have another tank to do hypo in. and as of the moment no funds to get one. but i plan on buyin more stop parasite if it works after the 5 days to put in to keep the ich off for a good month and a half to 2 months. it says on the bottle u can add it twice a week to keep the fishes slime coat thick. so i plan to use it long enough to make sure that the ich doesn't have a host to feed on.


New Member
Originally Posted by surferb
i'm well aware of ich's life cycle
If that is the case why are you thinking that the SP is working? Beth's point is the ick is going through it's normal life cycle and you would have seen the same result if you had done nothing.
Did you add any new fish in recently? Are you sure about your WQ?
Good idea about keeping a log on the results of the SP. In about 5 to 6 weeks if you are ick free you can say it worked.
It will be interesting to hear how it performed in mid-December.


it is working like it is supposed to. i know it dosen't kill the ich it just makes it so that when it falls off it can't reattach. and by using it for as long as i plan the ich wont be able to attach to anything in the tank causing it to starve to death. and to answer your other question yes i added a coral beauty that came down with ich about a week ago.
water parameters are all in check still. i had to add buffer once (stop parasites sometimes lowers it). the coral beauty has stopped breathing heavily and still has no signs off ich. he also seems less stressed. as of the moment the only problems i have with this product are the smell and the slight cloudiness it puts in the water.
current rating : 4.5
live rock and shrimp are still fine


I tried it and didn't do a thing for me!!!! The only reason I tried it instead of QT is because I have 5 fairy wrasse that are IMPOSIBLE to catch. The only good thing I can say is it did not change my water paramaters. But my Angel and my Fox Face actually got worse during the 5 day period. On day 5 my Angel died
. Today is day 6 and my Fox is going into QT! Hopefully the little wrasses will do OK! As for my tang... he is the one who started the outbreak. He kept rubbing up against the Angel and the Fox Face with his tail. He was the first fish in the tank and I found out today that he fights with the little razors on his tail. Caused the Angel and the Fox Face to stress and then get ich. He is going back to the fish store tomorrow! Hopefully the Fox will get better in QT!


i'm sorry for your loss. hopefully your fox face gets better. for everyone else reading my thread you should know that a qt tank is probebly the best way to cure ich like most of the other people on here do, but i am a full time student and don't have the money or space to get one. so i use this product becuase it is my only option. i recommened using this only if u are in a bind or if you use it in conjuction with qt/hypo. it can also be used as a preventitive by using it twice a week. i am simply keeping track of my expierence with this product so that other people with a situation similar to mine can see what results they may see. as with any "cure" there's a chance that it won't work at all or won't do what is expected so use your best judgement and go with your instincts.


well i guess i have the news u all wanted to hear. my coral beauty was dead this morning. really random death. pardon me as i take a moment of silence.................


Active Member
Originally Posted by surferb
well i guess i have the news u all wanted to hear. my coral beauty was dead this morning. really random death. pardon me as i take a moment of silence.................

Why would we want to hear that a fish died?