Stop the GURGLING...


OK here we go... I have a CPR CS90B (the "B" is for black) anyway.. Help me quite the crazy gurgling... CPR thought they had a way out with this tube like insert that gets placed down the middle of the drain pipe to let air escape from it.. But guess what... It doesn't work so great.. I went with this piece of eqipment because I didn't want a pain in the ass "J" pipe out the top of my tank.. Besides building a cover for it out of Poly Carbonate, can anyone help me quiet this crazy toilet flush...


Gee... Thanks for that helpful post... Take it back.. How do you propose I do that after I have been obviously using it.. Thanks for the creative suggestion


Well I see I didn't finish my post. Had to stop a dog fight. I was under the impression it was a new skimmer. I hate even talking about equipment on this BB due to the fact some people can't stand to hear they may have made a bad choice. PLEASE read and understand MAY have. You may have a damn good reason for choosing the skimmer you did. Alot of people haven't had the chance to A/B compare many differnt styles and brands. My LFS has a half a dozen skimmers operating in one of their LR curing tanks (100's of gallons) so customers can see for themselves how they look, sound, fit in sumps or hang on tank, and work etc. I guess you traded a "pain in the ass J tube" for a pain the ass sound.


Thank you Crazy.. See KMR that is a response.. I just wrote this whole long response to you but it really isn't worth it.. I am going to let it go.. I just don't have the desire to drag this out any longer... Call me a smart ass or what ever you would like... But something along the lines of "try to eliminate any 90 degree angles" or "try to vent the pipe better" would have been better suggestions then "Return it".. That is the only reason I said anything like I did up above. Don't worry about any resolution.. I wrote CPR and they helped me diagnose the problem...


They said that the noise is not caused by the overflow itself.. It is caused by the rule of physics as it relates to water... In my setup I have used hard PVC piping to keep it nice and neat.. In doing so I had to turn horizontal to go through the back of my cabinet into the sump... This is where the problem lies.. It is because I used a 90 degree turn... What happens there is air that naturally gets in the line tries to escape and gets caught there.. Like I said in the posting originally, they try to aleiviate this by using a pipet down the center of the overflow drain to give the water a path to escape.. I think I might try modifying this drain to incorporate a wider pipet to help.. We will see... If anyone else has a suggestion I would appreciate it.. I guess it is all about tinkering around with it until it works..

mr . salty

Active Member
I'm wondering because my setup does the same thing,but I have no 90s. Thinking about shortening my standoff tubes. STEVE


Hermit,.... I'm not familiar with the type
equipment that your useing but let me ask a few dumb q's,..
1.Is air in the horizontal line the problem?
(as in if it were not there or could be removed would this solve the problem?)
2.If so is this a pressure line or a free flow line?.


It would seem at this time that the water in the vertical part of the pipe is the problem.. The water rushing down and hitting the 90 degree turn is somehow trapping the water in there.. CPR recomended it to be more like a soft tube or something like a 30 degree turn.. That would have been imposible because I am using a bulkhead fitting out of the back of the cabinet.. In response to your second question.. It is a free flowing line.. I set it up so that my potential flow back in to the tank (via a rio 2500) is less then what the capacity of the over flow is.. That way I don't have to worry about the tank over flowing except if the overflow gets clogged which would be difficult considering the pipe out of the overflow is an inch wide.. I have thought about what might be involved in switching the plumbing going into the sump with soft hose but haven't made up my mind yet... I will keep working on it.. Thanks everyone for you help and questions.. Maybe we can beat this one together..