stop water changes


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
yes the clams work until they die and u cant find them because there buried in the sand

Every one I have had that died surfaced and opened up.


Active Member
yeah. they eat phyto plankton. so once they run out of food, they die and you have bad levels again. either that or you can feed your tank and any extra food rots and they are bad anyways.


so they live and get big. Taking out all of this unwanted waste. Burn out their food source and die. Then polluting your tank. Just makes more since to do water changes. Then you don't have to guess with chemicals to get the right amount of trace elements. I know more work....oh well.


Active Member
Thats right, none of these claims have ever been proven. Regular partial water changes are the only way to replace trace elements and reduce nitrate concentratrion via dilution. Unless 100 percent of the water is changed, nitrate will steadily accumulate. Its concentration forming a sawtooth pattern trending upward if plotted on a graph. This has been documented in numerous reputable publications.
Reducing Nitrate is only one small reason to do water changes, there are many chemical reactions that take place in aquarium water over time and trace elements present in seawater that become depleted. Marine fish continuously drink water and are more susceptible to poor water quality.
I dont know many that enjoy changing water, it's a labor of the hobby. Without going into the details, I believe its just a matter of time before a major die off occurs.


I have to offer that making water changes nearly automatic is not difficult at all. It only takes a little handy work and some patience. If you are preplanning, locate your tank near a wall that will have a main drain in the house, like underneath the bathroom on the floor above. You can then tap into that drain to drain your tank. Plumbing a fill line from a basement location is also not as difficult if using fish tape and some flex hose. All you have to do then is simply add salt to your RODI bin and turn on the pump when it has been mixed. Greatly reduces the troubles of water changes....oh yeah, you could also just pay a company.