try and wait for a sale for the lights. A few months ago, my wife got 30" coralife lunar aqualights w/ moonlights 2x65 for $129.99 there on sale . I was shocked, thats much less than i have ever seen them anywhere, online included. First time she ever spent LESS than she was supposed to
Theres a store around the corner from me that does corrals and anenomies and everything (even a 150Gallon talltank base and hood for $899) that has that coralife 2x65 light for $140 regular (but hes always willing to haggle!) I belive the 2x95 is $199.
If your in central Fl and feadup with ***** and the other LFS that closedown, openup, and stop their saltwater section check "Nolan's Aquarium Superstore". (check google or yahoo). Its on 92 on the east side of Lakeland. Awsome place, and has LiveRock for $5.99 Baserock for $2.99 special rock for between $10.99 and $14.99. An amazing collection of healthy fish, snails, anenomies and corrals (even seahorses and octopus if your that way inclined). Knowlegeable staff and a freaking kickbutt aquarium selection.