Storing salt water


Should saltwater be aerated during storage? As in, I buy a 5 gal jug on Sunday but don’t do my water change till Thursday. Is it OK sealed in the jug or should I put an air stone in there? They say its natrual sea water if that makes a differance.


i normally prepare my water with r/o and let it set until im ready to do the waterchange. i wouldnt think it would be bad, just as long as the water is covered and the salt is desolved. (i usually prepare a week or 2 in advance) havent noticed anything bad happen


you are usually better off adding tap water than unaerated store bought water. You cannot over-aerate water.


you are only talking days of storage here. If you buy completely distilled water then you can be assured it has no oxygen dissolved in the water (its friggin distilled). But if you have "seawater" then it is probably oxygenated and will retain that oxygenation better if sealed. As stated earlier you cannot over-oxygenate water so take no chances and oxygenate it with an air stone prior to introducing it to your tank regardless of your source.


I make double batches of saltwater, all the time and do not aerate between water changes. I do, however, bring in the saltwater 1 day before I do a water change and add a heater and two airstones and aerate it overnight. It seems to work just fine.


Originally Posted by Rickster
you are usually better off adding tap water than unaerated store bought water. You cannot over-aerate water.
You should never add tap water. although not everyone has a n ro/di Adding tap water is never a good idea.
Mix your water and salt, and if it has to sit for a day or 2 just drop a cheap powerhead into the water for movement. This will keep the water moving and surface to air aggitation will keep the water aereated. or buy a cheap air pump and stone and do it that way.
I personally mix my water, 1-2 days before I am going ot add it to the tank. I add the salt and drop in a maxi-jet 500 in container and let the water circulate.