Storm Prep


Ok guys we need your help. We have the minnow pumps and lots of batteries just in case we lose power. But how long after the power goes out do we need to start the pumps. I think I read somewhere to run them off and on. But how long do we run them and how long in between. We have fish, mushrooms, anemones, lr, ls and a cleanup crew. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks.


what part of alabama are you located? i live close to enterprise. south east part of the state.
i couldn't really give a correct anwser. but i would start the pumps just as soon as the power goes out. the fish would be ok for maybe 24hrs without a pump. for as the other i have no clue.
i'm sure someone else will post and be more help full


Thanks for the reply. I guess no one else is willing to help. We'll just do the best we can. I'm located in a little community outside of Banks. But work in Troy. I posed this same question last storm and got no answers then either.


Oh man!, I feel for you...I really do. I would start the pumps as soon as the power goes out. I also read not to put the airstone at the bottom of the tank because it can stir up uneaten food particles and fish poop. Keep the airstone towards the top of the tank. Also, to keep the temp from rising, place ice in sealed ziploc bags or soda pop bottles and place in the tank as needed. Be careful not to let the temp get too low.
I bought pumps and finally my wife told me to go out and buy a generator, so now I have better peace of mind. Good luck, hope everything works out in your favor.