Stowaway found!


We found what looks like a teeny clam hidden just inside a rock crevice. Had to rearrange a rock and found this "clam" open with a purplish flesh inside. looking closer with a flash light he closed then opened again. He has what looks like 2 red spots on the far inside shell where they meet! He does looked wedged in the small hole should I attempt to remove it, or leave it? Too cool :D a new find!

bang guy

My guess is that it would take a pair of pliers to remove that clam and it would probably die in the process. The Clam is where it wants to be.


I was gonna try a pair of tweezers, cause won't the clam grow to big for that little hole he's in?
Got the rock a few weeks ago from a tank servicer in the area called Aquatic Design, he was shutting down his store and selling everything in his SEVERAL tanks real cheap!
Forget the big screen we watch "LFT" live fish tank!