straight out of the ocean?


Active Member
the only reason not to do it is for legality.
I dont know what kind of delusion people have. there are very few tank bred species available regularly (clowns, pseudochromis, cardinals, seahorses, a few gobies, one or two high doller dwarf angel hybrids plus give or take a few) or even the know how to breed them if they wanted to since virtually no research goes into ornamental fish compared to commercial fish. the rest come from the ocean. Now do you think they go thru some magical health screen and conditioning before they reach the pet store. I'm sure its MUCH less stressful to be taken from the ocean to your home than being bagged, held, shipped and shipped again.


Originally Posted by scottallert
the sunken boats around peanut island?
Around the Blue Heron bridge there are a couple. And sometimes the ones near peanut island. But the best spots are the shallow reefs 10-20 feet. There are french angels, queen angels, blue tangs,and butterflys on the reefs. I usually free dive when getting them to. Also what kind of nets do you have. The monofilament ones or the clear plastic ones.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Don Trinko
I think many of the fish you see in the LFS are not tank raised.
I would check with your local Wildlife authority ( called DNR in Ohio) to see if it is legal and if you need a permit. Don T.
Probably 99% of the fish we buy are wild-caught. Check the list at the left, if it doesn't say aquacultured, its from the wild. With very, very few exceptions; hobbiests don't harm the wild population with the tiny number we take. Very few of the species we keep have ever been bred in captivity.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gatorzone19
Around the Blue Heron bridge there are a couple. And sometimes the ones near peanut island. But the best spots are the shallow reefs 10-20 feet. There are french angels, queen angels, blue tangs,and butterflys on the reefs. I usually free dive when getting them to. Also what kind of nets do you have. The monofilament ones or the clear plastic ones.
what reefs?
i know of the artificial reefs which isnt really anything, yeah i use a clear tubed net with mono line and the net is like 3 feet deep it works perfect fish swim right into it.

salt nate

yeah, I used to live in ft lauderdale and dive off hollywood beach and see tons of our aqarium species all over the place. Its amazing to see how much bigger they all get in the ocean!


Active Member
I would like to be able to get fish out of the ocean.. issues I have tho: my tank isnt big enough, I never see anythign worth tryign to catch and raise, I hear they die easily, and I have seen "finding Nemo" one to many times and would feel bad about it haha


Active Member
Originally Posted by SilverDak
I would like to be able to get fish out of the ocean.. issues I have tho: my tank isnt big enough, I never see anythign worth tryign to catch and raise, I hear they die easily, and I have seen "finding Nemo" one to many times and would feel bad about it haha
I don't know why they would die easily (assuming we're talking about tropical fish, not CT. cold water species) almost all our fish come from the ocean anyway. I've caught (poached) many fish from the Keys over the years and they fare extremely well.Why feel bad? I'll bet little Nemo's chances of survival are much better in your living room than on the reef.