Strange Behavior


I recently moved my tank, everything has tested fine so far, however clown fish stays hiding behind hang on filter, any ideas?


Active Member
Granted that your water levels are definitely ideal, he is probably just stressed out by the move. Give him time to adjust.


moved tank last friday, he was fine till monday night tuesday morning, I did add another power head, its not much but its only a 30 gal tank, could it be to much flow, where he is seems to be the calmest spot in the tank?


Active Member
It is definitely possible.
Is there any reason why you have your temperature at 72 degrees? That is low for saltwater animals. That is closer to the temperature a goldfish lives. Do you own a heater?


Active Member
Well, I would not raise it too quickly. Do a degree or two a day. It should eventually be between 76 and 80. Keep it at 76 for now. The most important thing is stability, once you have it at a reasonable level. 72-74 is too cold in my opinion.


anay suggestion on the powerhead placement
have a rio 60, 150 and 600 gph heads all along the back the 600 on the left the side of tank, the 150 on th eright with the 60 on the right tank wall blowing down the back, al three blow into rock for flow


Active Member
Well, like you have them, I would have them blowing at your live rock. Give the clown some time. He is probably just adjusting to the new tank and new flow.


Maroon Clown (inch and a half)
lg emerald crab
sm scarlet hermet
wisper 30 filter, Marine Glo light,
any suggestions where to go next?


dont know, clean up crew, few snails, couple more crabs, shrimp or two
probably a pair of percs or sebae clowns, maybe a small angel?


Active Member
Well, if you already have a maroon, you do not want to add any more clowns. You will most likely have a fight if you do.