Strange Clown Behavior


We have two common clowns. I know they are amusing swimmers... but yesterday the smaller of the two started swimming to the top of the tank and actually poking his head out of the water! The bigger (female I suppose) started "copying" him. Is this "normal"?
They have been with us for one month. Water parmaeters fine. No recent changes made to the tank except the addition of a mexican turbo snail.

sinner's girl

Mine swim all over, including at the top. I've seen the bigger one (when she was alone) poke at the top of the water.
How are the other fish/creatures acting? is there enough air in the tank? if everything is fine I wouldn't worry about it, but that's me. someone may tell you different.
BTW the two we have are True Perc's i'm not sure what a common clown is.


If just the clowns are doing it then it may be ok... but if all the fish in the tank are doing it, then you need to check into how much air is in the tank. If you have bad 02 lvls then you need to get some more water circulation very soon, via powerheads. My clown is very active, which most all clowns are. :D


Clowns act abnormal all the time. Hence the name.
Mine will mimic the other fish and play " tag" with the Tang. Very amusing. Also will do the "bucking Bronco" swim. Hilliarious.
Probrobly just a new thing for them. Check circulation and O2 possibilities. Give it a little while and they will most likly find something new to amuse you with. :p


Thanks everyone for the helpful info!!
Only the clowns are acting!
Everyone else in the tank are acting the same they always do. We did have a feather duster shed it's crown yesterday. Don't know if that is related. I think they shed to grow (does anyone know if that is a sign of stress??)
We do have a powerhead.
Thanks again :p