Strange clown behavior????



I have had two false perc clown fish for about 5 weeks. Both were very active and eating well. They spent their days swimming all around my 55 gal. tank. Thursday, I added an anemone to the tank. They completely ignored it until last night. Then all of a sudden, the larger clownfish (female?) swam in to it. This morning, the anemone is about 6 inches from where it was last night and one clown fish is spending all their time in it. It "lays" on the anemone and seldom leaves except to change positions. I checked the water parameters and all seems fine: ammonia 0, trites and trates both 0 pH 8.2, temp 78. I also notice nothing strange about the clown's physical appearance. The other, slightly smaller, clown fish continues to swim throughout the tank. I know clowns enjoy their relationship with anemones -- but I thought they were still more active than this one is. Is this normal behavior? Should I worry? Thanks for your help. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


I do not hve that much experience with anemones but it sounds like you have found a great host for the clown and he is probably not leaving it because he does not want the other clown to take it


I have 4 clown 2 maroon and 2 clark the maroon female jumps between my 3 anenomies and dominates the tank the smaller maroon male just follows and when she leaves an anenomy he climbs in then the female kicks him out again she even kicks the clark clowns out and then when she leaves they come back it is fun to watch
I think that the large clown in your tank is the dominant female. she is just guarding the anenome if you are having good luck w/your anenome then I might suggest you get another one
then let the fun begin
this is just my opinion


Active Member
You have a great thing going....our clown took over our anenome a few weeks after it came home.
Now every few days, we throw a piece of thawed
krill into the tank and Bozo (the clown fish) takes the krill to the anenome. Bozo even "sleeps" in there and usually doesn't come out until we turn the lights on. Kind of cool.Everyone loves to watch as Bozo dances in there. :cool:


as far as fish go I think I enjoy my clowns the most. they are always doing something
second is my mandarin he always moving looking for pods. when I ad a female mandarin I'll post the results ;)


Boiler, my clarkii was in heaven the minute I added our anemone (have 3 now) and it swims too all of them and it does get "testy" if anything else comes near the one its in at the time. Mine also feeds, sleeps, and just plain hangs out in the anemones. I think you'll be ok. Also, recently the 1 anemone has been moving too, but seems healthy, is yours still coming out and looking normal?