Strange clown goby ID


New Member
I purchased a "green clown goby" for $8 at the LFS on Sunday which is definitely not green. I have two of these already, and this little dude just doesn't match up.
I sent in these photos to another FAQ site (not sure if I can say Wet Web Media??) and they gave ID as a citron clown goby (Gobiodon citrinus)... I see no positive ID here. They are not at all alike. Mine has red markings, not white/turquoise.
Is a hybrid between a yellow and green possible? This is what it looks like to me.

This picture shows his markings best. The colors were more intense because it was when I first put him in the dip.

The side view here makes him look a little pale.
And just to let everyone know, the little white spots on the fish are bubbles, because I was doing a freshwater dip at the time.
Thanks for any info, guys and gals!!


Active Member
Gobiodon atrangulatus -- (no common name)

'Green clown gobies' are often mislabeled as G. atrangulatus, but they are actually G. histrio
. (saying this so when you search the web and get a bunch of green's, you know). G. atrangulatus
are not seen much at all in the hobby.
Great find!


New Member
That's him!!! Oh my gosh... you are amazing. Thank you so much for helping me out. I am looking forward to reading about him.
So pretty rare to find in the trade, eh? I knew he was something special
The guys at the pet store thought it was sick