strange creature


hey everyone been awhile since i last posted,but ihave a ? hope someone can tell me what this is,my tank has fish and LR & inverts, i have had the LR about 6 months,havent gotten anything new for a long time,but i was setting in there watching my fish and this light pink thing that kind of looks like an eel is swimming all over the place,its so fast i cant get a real good look at it but its head looks white,did this thing come out of my LR and what could it be. thanks mrswv1956


thanks for answering me, i was just afraid it might be something that would harm my fish, I only have about 20 Ibs of LR,but i love it,there;s one part on the rock that looks like a clam and it keeps opening up but i cant see what is in there everytime i try to look it shuts up,but its really cool,hopefuly soon maybe i will get to see what it is. ;)


An American Glass Eel. I have one and snaped a few pics. Go here and compare to your hitch-hiker:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


thanks alot Ren thats it. yours looks alot bigger then mine though,i geather there not harmful to my other fish,i;m just getting into the LR,was beginng to wonder why everyone liked it so well because mine wasnt doing anything took about 6 months for me to start seeing things,one end of my LR looks sort of like a clam and it keeps opening up but i cant see whats in there,when i get close to the glass and try to see it shuts up driving me crazy i want to know whats in there lol. but again thanks alot :)