Strange fish

is it unusual for a new fish to be unliked... by that i mean it stays by itself floating in the corner like it is on punishment by the 3rd grade teacher. its a puffer if that helps?


Your other fish are probably scared of the puffer what fish do you have in there and how big are they and how big is the puffer. Thats just MO not evry one agrees with it but that has been my experiance

Vince.(and my little cousin jessie)
well the puffer is bigger than the other fish but it seems as if it is the one that is scared...i have a sailfin tang and a lunare wrasse and they are all very small at this point. the puffer just stays in the corner and swims up and down the glass...i wish he would come out and play with the others:joy:


Active Member
How long has he been in there...??
If he's a new addition, just give him some time to "settle in" and get comfortable in the new surrondings...
Maybe he misses his girlfriend from the tank next door at the LFS and is in the corner "looking" for her...:D


Active Member
Sometimes a sign of stress coming from either the other fish or not being comfortable yet in its new home. Do a search on puffers and see if they like quiet tanks.
edit - I did a quick search on them and they are pretty aggressive... hm...
ya its been 6 days now and he seems to be puffing up alot and has not yet "explored" also he seems to have trouble breathing or is stressed and is puffing up....sorta! what can i do?
hey baltimore man i live in annapolis..i dont even know what typ[e of puffer...pretty not even sure....ill send you a pic if you want....


Def sounds like time to quarrantine him before he wreaks havoc on your tank. If it has been 6 days and he still isn't exploring something has him scared IMO. Good luck with him.


Active Member
I put my puffer in the tank. As soon as he came out of the bag he decided to see what a powerhead was. So he stuck his face is the end of it. For like a week and a half he wouldn't move if the powerhead was in the tank. Now he is ok with it. So maybe something has scared him. Also puffers are nocturnal. When spike first came home he never swam around. he owuld get food and hide in the rocks. Then I was looking at the tank at night, and spike was a wild man. Swimming around and exploring. See if you turn the lights off if he is more active. just a thought.


well it defintely sounds like tank size shouldnt be a factor.. i have mine in a 55 gallon eventhough i know im gonna have to upgrade it soon to be able to keep him happy. i would just kinda wait and see what happens. puffers have all types of different personalities it may just take a few days for yours to get comfortable in the tank. do you have a lot of rockwork for him to hide in during the day? i know mine stays pretty lazy all day usually laying in a little cave i built for him and then at night hes out all over the place.