Strange growth on LR


New Member
Hi All
I have this strange growth on my LR. It appears dark brownish/black feathery :notsure: . The rock also have the beginnings of purple-ish coraline in spot. My hermit and emerald green crabs are all over the growth. Should I be worried? Should I try to scrub it off?
72 gallon bow FOWLR (running since 7/16)
Only my cleanup crew (6 turbo snail, 2 emerald green crab, 1 cleaner shrimp, and Chocolate chip Starfish)
My water parameters
S.G. 1.024
pH: 8.4
Temp: 79f
NH3: 0
Nitrite: 0
ALK: 300
The only thing out of the ordinary was a recent ich breakout (about 3 weeks ago)
. Fish is currently being treated in QT with copper (loss Hippo Tang, and Coral Beauty) pink damsel, neon goby, purple psuedochromis, and 2 clownfish all clear of ich ( :joy: Thankfully)
Any thoughts??? :thinking:


New Member
Ok...Here is a couple of pictures..
My Nitrate level is 10..I forgot to add that in. I have not tested Ca.



New Member
We have live sand and crush coral in the main tank. Because it is FOWLR, I wanted to add some color. So, No I am not getting rid of it.
AllI want to know...what is the growth on my LR, not how to arrange MY tank.
Thank you


Originally Posted by djevack
id still get rid of the color stones
not very natural
dammmmmmmmmmmm.. who cares what you think of the color rocks
..that person likes them,soooo thats all that matters


Originally Posted by Vanos
I don't know but get rid of those color stones in your tank.
netta is asking a question about something on the lr, not questions about the colored stones.. please read more carefuly on the thread be4 you click on it
..the tank is different from others. that makes a person a leader, not a follower like yourself
..i hate it when you ask a question in here and someone comments on something totaly different about the thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
I agree, if she wants them, she can have them its her tank. as for the growth, can you get a closer picture we might be able to help. its prob nothing.


New Member
Thanks all. I'm currently at work (overnight RN); when I return home I will get a better or closer pictures.
dougai: I'm in the heart of Boston.
Thanks again...