Strange inhabitants in our tank!!!


New Member
Hi - We have a fairly new 29 gallon tank with two percula clowns, two brittle starfish, lots of crabs and snails and a peppermint shrip. We have noticed some unusual inhabitants and were wondering if anyone might have any thoughts to what they might be. First are some tiny see-thru things at the bottom mostly in the crushed coral. They seem to have legs but are very tiny and almost impossible to see.
Also there are LOTS of tiny white curly-Q's all over the walls and rocks. They look like tiny tiny baby snails to me but I don't know if that's correct or not. They don't seem to be moving much or are too small to tell.
Any ideas? Thanks so much!


Active Member
The things in the crushed coral sound like coepods. These are very hard to see and are usually a whitish color or see though. They are a good sign, that means your tank is healthy. Don't know about the curly things on the glass.
I have those curly white things also. I don't know what they are, but if you take a magnifying glass you will see a very tiny creature coming from the inside. I have had them in my tank since I started it. I notice that they appear in greater numbers if your calcium levels are kept up. Once in a while, I have to scrape them off, because they get too numerous. Looks as if their shells are make of calcium.
Did you just set up the tank? When my father sat up his he got what sounds like the things on your glass. then when i sat up mine i got the same thing multiplied and then one day they were gone. you could see them moving on the glass. but i have never found any thing on them an the net so sorry i couldnt help you. but you are not the only one to get them. good luck hope i help in some way. mike
My tank has been set up for 5 yrs. When I first started out, I was not aware of adding calcium. They seem to be disappearing. Then I heard about Kalkwasser to add calcium, and started putting it in. Within 2 weeks, they were back. I have had them ever since. They mainly grow on the glass, and inside my filters.


I have them, also. I read somewhere that they are a good sign. Simple filter feeders. Don't remember what they are called. But they are harmless.
Sharon :D


Okay sharks, what are they? Maybe someone can re-post the hitchiker faq?


If the things in the cc curl their rear body up they are copepods,but amphipods and I believe the tiny things on the glass are copepods.These are good to have because the eat the "bad"algea.If you want these controlled(if you have alot)you can buy a bleeny or goby(mandarian are the prettiest)to control them,but they'll disappear quickly and you'll need to feed them something else.Hopes this helps.Alex
Nope, I know what a copapod is and I know what an amphipod is. These aren't what we are talking about. These are stationary creatures that build a shell in a curly-que fashion. And I agree, they are filter feeders, due to the things sticking out of the shell.
They are so stationary, that you have to scrape them off. They cannot move.
Calcuim has a lot to do with them, they disapear when your levels are low.


click on that link above, those white curly q's are described on page 3 "tube dwelling polychaete" a "harmless filter feeder" a sign of a "healthy maturing tank"