Strange question, should I care?


Long story short.
I have a 60g FOWLR.
I got a small cleaning crew, including a small serpent star.
He crawled into a small hole in the LR and was not come out.
The hole is so small even if I wanted to, I can not reach him.
I got more LR and wanted to rearrange my LR.
In doing so, I turned the piece of LR the star was in.
I think he can still get out, but since he doesn't try I am not sure.
Should I care?
I didn't really want to keep the SS but I could not reach him to trade in to the LFS.
If he dies, will the body need to be removed, does any of this matter?
Just curious, any advise or opinions?


Active Member
I'm pretty sure if he wants to get out he will find a way. If it does die, a good clean up crew will take care of it. :D


Active Member
Normal serpenstars will hide in rocks. If you left the hole open then it should be able to get out. If you blocked it...well....
Why don't you want it??? Most are extremely helpful members of the clean up crew.


Thank you for the responce.
What is a good clean up crew?
I have about 10 blue leg hermit crabs, 3 turbo snails, and 5 ast. snails.
I am currently working on getting more.


The opening is not blocked, and he could squeeze out I guess.
He doesn't seem to try.
As far as not wanting him, he just doesn't seem to do much but hide in the rock.


Active Member
Look around your tank at night and at feeding time. That is when Serpents are more active.
Good luck,