Strange worm ID


Active Member
My brother described a 'strange worm' in his tank.. when he drew a picture it looked almost like one of those things from the movie 'War of the Worlds'... He says it is very fast and he has only seen a very small part of it emerge from a rock when it feeds... its tentacles grab food... After seeing his drawing I said... well maybe its a cucumber? He didnt seem to think so because of how fast it ducked back in the hole when startled...
In the pic you can see tentacles and the lines on the body are segments... and the little circles are feet...
Again I havent seen it personally.. just going by what my brother has told me / shown me.. lemme know what you guys think.


Active Member
I am thinking cucumber, maybe a medusa cucumber (usually they are called medusa worms), but I would suggest trying to get him to get a pic.


Active Member
My brother says that looks like it. He says his was a different color though.. more white-ish I guess.
So what kinda worm is that? Is that one of the medusas?


Originally Posted by Speg
My brother says that looks like it. He says his was a different color though.. more white-ish I guess.
So what kinda worm is that? Is that one of the medusas?
According to Wet Web Media it is a type of bristleworm.