Strange worm?

yosemite sam

Active Member
I saw the strangest little beatie in my reef tank today. It looked like some sort of worm. It was at least 1.5" long (I couldn't see the end of it) coming out of a crevice in some lr. It was a mottled color of light tan and dark brown and was extremely thin (maybe 2 mm diameter) and had little wiskers or feelers that it used to probe around on the rock. When I opened up the tank to catch it, it went back in its hole. Does anyone have any idea what it is?


Active Member
Could also be some mini brittle stars...they stay hidden, and stick their arms out to catch food.


Active Member
In saying that, it definitely sounds like mini brittles...They reproduce like rabbits...and are great to have in your tank. I have a bunch also...

yosemite sam

Active Member
It's not a tube-type worm. It has a fleshy body and was crawling around on the ground. Also, the feelers are much smaller and you can see its little mouth. I tried to take some pictures but you can't make it out. Where's a macro when you need it?


Active Member
Well, there are a lot of different types of worms...if it isn't brittles, or fan worms, then a picture would help a lot...

yosemite sam

Active Member
Yeah I have a bunch of the mini brittles as well, and this is definitely something else. The mouth is at the end of the arm or body and sort of graps at the ground in a grabbing motion.


I think I know what you mean. It looks as though it unrolls like sock or something. Brown/black mottled color and never leaves the hole. I have bunches of them.
I think its a worm and not the arm of a brittle star, its not a bristle worm either ( I have those too). They aren't a bad thing to have, mine mostly come out at night and seem to graze either on algea or detritus.
I have one I call bubba. He is almost as thick as a pencil eraser and I've seen him stretch almost 4 inches. How ever I can never get a picture of anything but a blurr shooting back to his hole. Try snooping at night with a very dim flashlight or one sprectrumed to red... you probably have more than you think.


Speaking of worms.....
I am over run with feather dusters, at first they looked like they would stay small. Noooo, they are growing and multiplying all over rock, and in my hang on skimmer.
Are there any type of inverts/fish that eat these, or anyway to safely control the population of these things?


Active Member
this reminds me of this strange looking orange thing on one of my rocks. It is about 1/2 inch long and there is a hole in the front...if you touch closes up. it is firmly attached to the rock
any ideas?



Originally posted by Aqua_man
Speaking of worms.....
I am over run with feather dusters, at first they looked like they would stay small. Noooo, they are growing and multiplying all over rock, and in my hang on skimmer.
Are there any type of inverts/fish that eat these, or anyway to safely control the population of these things?

I hear arrow crabs eat dusters.


i found today a worm in my tank. it is like a 1/4 inch and as i look close it look like it has 100feet and it has 3 color. it is like light brown, in the center is a dark brown and in the ack look like a burgundy. what can this thing be. is it a britter worm. should i take him out. i need info about this worm please:help: