strarting diy live rock

fish master

Finally found everything to make live rock. Oyster shell and extra course salt found at rural king. But i looked every where for the white portland cement. No one had it. Menards said they could order it for me at 26.00 dollars a bag, but i would have to buy 40 bags. Went to a local concrete place and they had it for 20.00 a bag. I bought 2 bags but i think 1 will be plenty.Mixing 3 oyster , 2 portland, 2 salt. No water. After i rinsed the oyster shell, and drained. Oyster shell was just wet enough to mix with the portland. It actually was a little to wet until i poured salt in, then it was just right. going to let set up for a couple days and see how it looks. Then into water tank to lower ph