Strawberry Pseudochromis sick--I think ?


New Member
Hello everyone!
Just joined the community :) My partner and I have been the proud owners of a 30 gallon FOWLR tank for about 5 months. We now have six 1-2 lb rocks, one 4 lb, 2 turbo snails, 5 nassarius snails (we originally bought 4 but they reproduced!), a cleaner shrimp, a clown fish, a sixline wrasse, and a strawberry pseudochromis. At first our strawberry behaved aggressively toward our sixline wrasse, but the clown fish usually acted as the mediator. We haven't noticed much aggressive behavior at all now that they are all older and bigger, but I fear our strawberry may be sick. He's become pale lately, and increasingly within the past week or so. The color loss/paleness is mostly uniform and it doesn't seem to be blotchy. He has been eating the same food, in fact he eats a lot when we feed them. We thought at first perhaps we were not feeding them enough, so we fed them a little more and he doesn't eat more now that he is given more food. He used to spend a lot of time in his little "cave", and he doesn't do that anymore. Neither of our other fish are behaving abnormally. Does anybody out there have any information that could help? I would greatly appreciate it. We are very worried and have been unable to get much help from the stores we frequent or even online.
Please help!
Thank you--


Some of the first things people will want to know:
What are your water parameters?
How long have you had the SP?
Did you quarantine your fish when you got them? If so, for how long before you added them to your tank?
How far apart were your additions to the tank? And in what order did they come? (could be cause for stress)
Any other information about your tank couldn't hurt either.
Good luck.