Strength in Numbers!


Active Member
Ok, we've seen in recent weeks what we can accomplish as a group. Look at blondenaso1's thread for pictures of members of the group; I'd put us up against any on the net. And most recently sammy's "where are you from" thread is too cool.
Let's do something with all that power. New members are always arriving and if there is one question that somes up often it's "What Skimmer Should I Buy?"
We all know that Brommers mantra is right on target "Your tank ~ your choice."
But, let's share.
How about you tell the board what skimmer you're using and the pluses and minuses.
Before long we can give the newbies some real experiences to learn from all of us......The ultimate purpose of this board.
I'll start:
Prizm on a 72 gallong bow front reef. Not enough strength, too much adjusting.
Prizm on a 46 bow front aggressive. If the hair algea is any indication, not nearly enough and constant adjusting.


jumpfrog -- hair algae is a sign of a poor skimmer? i've been fighting it for the longest time in my 75, i wonder if my seaclone 100 could just be not up to the job--
seaclone 100 appears to work well enough, but is noisy and requires alot of adjustment


I use the Kent Nautauls. Low maintainance and it just works. Reccomend if you have room, fairly big footprint.


Iv got the bakpak 2r on my reef and I have never had a problem and Iv had excellent water params for over 6 months.


Active Member
i use a prizm, theres the problem with airbubbles in mines after i cleaned it, i guess i'll have to wait again until its back to normal
prizms are cheap and its 70 bucks at my lfs