Active Member
Most gyms and all hospitals have a dietition. Ask them to do a resting metabolic rate analasis and tell them what you are trying to accomplish. They will also measure your bodyfat %. They can give you a specific diet based on foods you like (and some you might not) and even print out meal plans and grocery lists to make it easy for you. Once you get into the routine it'll be easier to pick foods and create meals on your own. I would cut down on the number of training days as your muscles need time to recover properly before being broken down again. ps... muscle grows while you sleep and water makes up 60% of it's weight, so alcohol,which is a dieuretic should be avoided along with caffeine. Jenns hubby will probably agree. He can tell you about the anabolic/catabolic muscle states better than me so ask jenn if her hubby can talk to you directly. You should talk with someone who follows weight training as a lifestyle, as mine is third on the list behind my car hobby and, of course, some fish. Hope this helps.