stress zyme. has anyone used it before


New Member
i placed a bacteria called stress zyme in my 29gal tank to help the cycle. i have live sand and ten lbs. of lr and one damsel. but on my sand and lr, from the stress zyme i have a brown looking substance on them is this normal or should i clean it. has anyone used stress zyme before. my equipment inside the tank is power heads, protien filter and a heater.


I have used those products only on fresh water tanks, but I do not recomend them for salt water. Brown algae (diatoms) and green algae are normal when first starting a new tank. If you have LS you have bacteria. Let the tank cycle for a week or two until the ammonia levels drop. Good Luck


Active Member
I thought stess zyme was just for fish? I don't think it helps cycle a tank. You should cycle with a piece of frozen shrimp and not a live fish. It's going to die of ammonia poisoning!
As far as the brown's probably Diatoms, which is normal. Once the tank is cycled do 10% water changes and check your parameters. A good clean up crew will help also. :D


stress zyme works great IMO. We used it to help cycle our tank. It has good bacteria in to help kick start your cycle.
We still continue to use the stress zyme. You should not use Stress Coat in a Salt water tank. That's what we were told.


New Member
leona when you used sterss zyme in your salt water tank did it turn everything brown. if so what did you do to remove it.


Active Member
what kind of water you using? RO water or regular tap water? I used stress coat and stress zyme, with no ill effect. there was some brown stuff to begin with, but as mentioned above, when the tank cycled, it was taken care of.



Originally posted by bb21375
leona when you used sterss zyme in your salt water tank did it turn everything brown. if so what did you do to remove it.

No, I can't say it turned anything brown. Maybe try carbon to clean up your tank? That is what we would do.
We tried clarity (seachem) one time and that turned everything kinda brown for about an 1 hour.