stresscoat made cloudy tank?


hi everybody,
i just added stresscoat to my tank when i added a new fish. the tankis now a cloudy white. i guess i may have added too much.
it must be the stresscoat not a bacterial bloom b/c it happened about an hour or two after i added it (and i only added one damsel to a 42 gal w/ one two other damsels).
so should i change the water now or wait to see if it clears up in a few days? i won't kill everything by not changing the water b/c of over-stresscoating do you think?
thanks for your input, lillylegs
I don't know how to advise you but I can tell you that my LFS told me to never add stresscoat to a SW has aloe vera in it and will make a mess in your protien skimmer for hours. I used a product called stresszyme to cycle my tank.
Hope someone with more experience can help you with this dilema. Are you running a skimmer? If so be prepared to empty it often.


well that's jus the thing. i'm not running a skimmer. i just finished cycling with 40lbs LS and 40lbs LR and one two damsels. i had been adding calcium supplements for about a week now. is it possible the stresscoat reacted with the calcium? actually its called kent marine pro-tech coat for marine fish. so it should be okay for the fish, no?

nm reef

Active Member
lillylegs...Personally I am very particular about adding things to my reef. I have no experience with the product you mentioned but I can tell you this....I'd not use it myself. All I add to my reef is suppliments to build and maintain calcium/ph/alkalinity. Plus now and then some additives for trace elements. Any thing other than that just scares the heck outta me. You may consider some partial water changes to solve your problem. A better alternitive may be to establish a quatentine tank for future additions and maybe avoid stree coat additives altogether.


New Member
This does not help you any, but may help someone else out there. I can say I did experience the skimmer problem after using stress coat. My wife decided to top off my tank one morning(using stress coat) before I got home from the night shift, and by the time I got home the skimmer had pulled about 1/2 gallon of water out of the tank. I guess I was lucky I had added a overflow drain tube to a larger container just a few days earlier. I shut the skimmer off for a few days and everything was ok after that. I don't know if many of you have had this problem(maybe she just added too much?) but for this reason I do not recommend using stess coat with a skimmer.


thanks for everybody's input,
just so you know, the tank cleared up by itself over-night with no casualties. i had decided to wait and do a water change and poof! it cleared up!
thanks again! lillylegs


do not use stress zyme, it is not meant for a sw tank. you have to buy another type of stuff. it is in the frige fo your dealer tank. it is called something like fulival 900(sp?)