stressed out... BAD... ='(


Active Member
here is another sad bit of reality... youre not the first this has happened to... YOU NED TO GET HELP NOW!!! and your not gonna get anything but advice here unless you divulge personal info... which if you did i would be dialing up your local authorities and sending them to you house immediately...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stressed=/
they will just end up telling...
I have thought about this a lot ive also thought about writing a note and putting it under the door but idk.. and besides school is out now...
Talk to the school phsycologist (SP?) If the person is licensed which they usually are they can't tell, confidentiality law.


New Member
Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
Ok seriously its not what you want to hear but you need to tell somebody that can help you . This guy is not a nice guy . He is not going to stop this behavior . He has done it before you and he will do it after you . He will continue to pray on young girls . this huy needs help and any addicition specialist will tell you that people don't just change .
Your mom is a train wreck . She needs help . Anybody that would even think of such a thing as dating a guy thats done such things is not in their right mind . Your mom has some serious issues with her self because she is letting you suffer to fill a hole in her life . She is only continuing this circle of abuse by letting you suffer the same things she has .
There is no amount of money that is worth your trust, She is offering you bribs and thats not OK . You need to get somebody involved that will look out for you .
Please please get some help . The longer you let this go on the more damadge it will cause you .
ty for your response, it meant a lot ive talked to 3 friends that i have online that i dont know in "real life" so they just support me whenever i talk about it...
what i cant stand is that his daughter (when we were sneaking texting eachother for a week before her mom found out, she said she was thinking about coming back... that meant the world to me i love her so much and idk i want her to come back with all my heart.. but idk i dont think her mom is a good place for her to be at or her dads...
also i dont have anyone to go live with if they decide to have me live somewhere else and i dont really want foster place and idk.. my mom always says she wants the best for me.. and its true except for this time.. like a couple days ago when she was talking to me about him she said they havnt done much (if you know what i mean) for a whole year (ever since his daughter left) and i asked her why she wants to stay with him so bad and she said something like she needs to be in a relationship or something that she needs to have someone there and she asked "dont u?" and im like no i havnt gone out with anyone in like forever... and shes like well ya but u always have a friend that your really close to, and im like not really..
and do councilers tell people what you say? if they dont i wouldnt mind talking to them...


New Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Talk to the school phsycologist (SP?) If the person is licensed which they usually are they can't tell, confidentiality law.
school is out for the summer... lol.. and how do i find out if they are licensed just ask them?

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by stressed=/
ty for your response, it meant a lot ive talked to 3 friends that i have online that i dont know in "real life" so they just support me whenever i talk about it...
what i cant stand is that his daughter (when we were sneaking texting eachother for a week before her mom found out, she said she was thinking about coming back... that meant the world to me i love her so much and idk i want her to come back with all my heart.. but idk i dont think her mom is a good place for her to be at or her dads...
also i dont have anyone to go live with if they decide to have me live somewhere else and i dont really want foster place and idk.. my mom always says she wants the best for me.. and its true except for this time.. like a couple days ago when she was talking to me about him she said they havnt done much (if you know what i mean) for a whole year (ever since his daughter left) and i asked her why she wants to stay with him so bad and she said something like she needs to be in a relationship or something that she needs to have someone there and she asked "dont u?" and im like no i havnt gone out with anyone in like forever... and shes like well ya but u always have a friend that your really close to, and im like not really..
and do councilers tell people what you say? if they dont i wouldnt mind talking to them...

Anyone that is a liscensd coucilor or therapist or even doctor can not devulge what they are told . You could very easily talk to you family doctor and he/she could put you on a path to help.


Active Member
Alright kiddo. Thats some rant.
I am careful with my words since I dont want to just sound like a jerk if your in true need.
This is sharing perhaps a bit much with an open board but who cares right, everyone already knows way too much about me anyhow. I myself have some EXTREME trust issues. I was raised in foster care due to similar situations and it is a life long proccess. Ironic part of this is for everyone else life moves on. For YOU it will NOT without some professional help. Therapist, Sponsor, Councilor call it what you want.
If you dont take the situation seriously then no one else will. Treat it like it is important. If you are true and honest then you will be righteous no matter who is upset by bringing it to the light.
I am in Northern California. I work rediclous hours and am constantly busy BUT! I mean it as serious as a heart attack when I tell you that I will drop everything in my life to help in any way I can if you ask.

el guapo

Active Member
not to get too personal but how old are you ? if your not comfortable talking about it in the open you can pm me .

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Alright kiddo. Thats some rant.
I am careful with my words since I dont want to just sound like a jerk if your in true need.
This is sharing perhaps a bit much with an open board but who cares right, everyone already knows way too much about me anyhow. I myself have some EXTREME trust issues. I was raised in foster care due to similar situations and it is a life long proccess. Ironic part of this is for everyone else life moves on. For YOU it will NOT without some professional help. Therapist, Sponsor, Councilor call it what you want.
If you dont take the situation seriously then no one else will. Treat it like it is important. If you are true and honest then you will be righteous no matter who is upset by bringing it to the light.
I am in Northern California. I work rediclous hours and am constantly busy BUT! I mean it as serious as a heart attack when I tell you that I will drop everything in my life to help in any way I can if you ask.
Very much aggreed here .

ric maniac

Active Member
If you ask I believe you are entitled to know. How do you know he hasn't done this to his daughter's friends? Did they not tell you? Because you arent telling anyone, but it still happened. The fact that he works with children is a major red flag. He has done it before, so what about nap time at his daycare? You need to tell someone.


New Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Alright kiddo. Thats some rant.
I am careful with my words since I dont want to just sound like a jerk if your in true need.
This is sharing perhaps a bit much with an open board but who cares right, everyone already knows way too much about me anyhow. I myself have some EXTREME trust issues. I was raised in foster care due to similar situations and it is a life long proccess. Ironic part of this is for everyone else life moves on. For YOU it will NOT without some professional help. Therapist, Sponsor, Councilor call it what you want.
If you dont take the situation seriously then no one else will. Treat it like it is important. If you are true and honest then you will be righteous no matter who is upset by bringing it to the light.
I am in Northern California. I work rediclous hours and am constantly busy BUT! I mean it as serious as a heart attack when I tell you that I will drop everything in my life to help in any way I can if you ask.
sorry im starting to cry right now i love you guys on here so much.. thanks for your comments
how was foster care? do they just pick random people and say you have to live with them? cuz i dont know i like it where i live... and i really like my mom except for this now..
and ik i have said a lot of information... which is partly why i didnt want to hit submit.. but i really dont care ive had a lot of stuff happen to me that most people dont go through and im fine.. on the outside atleast but idk... so if you would tell me what foster care was like and how they did everything that would be much appreciated but im not sure if i would go that far... i would probably talk to my mom first and see if she would dump him instead... if she wouldnt then i would consider doing this...
i wouldnt want you to lose your job to help me it sounds like you work hard and i dont want you to lose that.. plus you couldnt help me that much anyways most likely...
i really dont care that much about what happened just the people that are involved.. and i dont care about one of them what so ever and the other means the world to me pretty much although i can hate her at times now...


New Member
Originally Posted by ric maniac
If you ask I believe you are entitled to know. How do you know he hasn't done this to his daughter's friends? Did they not tell you? Because you arent telling anyone, but it still happened. The fact that he works with children is a major red flag. He has done it before, so what about nap time at his daycare? You need to tell someone.
if you guys are looking at him as a sexual predetor i would look at him as in liking teenage girls, he works with little kids and most of them are boys and one is 9 i think but i dont look at him this way THAT much..
and to who ever asked about my age i dont really want to say but i guess i will say im somwhere in the middle of my teenage years
*edit* you guys are making it sound like any guy that does daycare is a sexual predator just saying...

el guapo

Active Member
I have never been to foster care but I did bounce around from family member to family member on both sides of my family to keep me away from my mother who is an extreme addict .


Active Member
No not true. A counselor CAN, WILL, AND SHOULD tell the proper authorities if you are in danger.
Like it or not, your not an adult. Translation as harsh as it might sound- You are not of an age where you can make long term choices about what might be in your best interest.
If you are righteous in your recounting the scenario, then who cares who is upset about it? Foster care is in place not just for orphaned children. Not just for babies of crackheads.
Foster care is not a choice made at the drop of a hat. Investigation and a judgment will be made based on each situation.
This is the internet. Please do not go on a limb and share any details that might make you uncomforatable. At same time please do not waste the time or empathy of individuals that take this very seriously.

ric maniac

Active Member
Originally Posted by stressed=/
if you guys are looking at him as a sexual predetor i would look at him as in liking teenage girls, he works with little kids and most of them are boys and one is 9 i think but i dont look at him this way THAT much..
and to who ever asked about my age i dont really want to say but i guess i will say im somwhere in the middle of my teenage years
*edit* you guys are making it sound like any guy that does daycare is a sexual predator just saying...
A man who likes teenage girls IS a sexual predator, no matter how you slice it. And I work at a daycare lol, so I'm not implying that.


New Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
No not true. A counselor CAN, WILL, AND SHOULD tell the proper authorities if you are in danger.
Like it or not, your not an adult. Translation as harsh as it might sound- You are not of an age where you can make long term choices about what might be in your best interest.
If you are righteous in your recounting the scenario, then who cares who is upset about it? Foster care is in place not just for orphaned children. Not just for babies of crackheads.
Foster care is not a choice made at the drop of a hat. Investigation and a judgment will be made based on each situation.
This is the internet. Please do not go on a limb and share any details that might make you uncomforatable. At same time please do not waste the time or empathy of individuals that take this very seriously.
im not trying to make you guys sad or frusterated... i was just trying to vent a little and idk i was kind of hoping you guys would know some stuff about councilers and stuff cuz i have been thinking about it.. i also have been thinking about just printing off this thread along with the 7 1/2 page paper i wrote on my comp (12 font) and just pushing it under her door and going to bed... then if she didnt break up with him and stuff i would definantly think a lot about foster care...
*edit*nor am i trying to waste your time... im sorry


New Member
Originally Posted by ric maniac
A man who likes teenage girls IS a sexual predator, no matter how you slice it. And I work at a daycare lol, so I'm not implying that.
my point was IF i looked at him that way i dont think he does anything to little children as in his daycare kids are fine... he always got mad at me when i called him old.. idk he got offended by that like he thinks hes still young and stuff.. idk..

ric maniac

Active Member
Originally Posted by stressed=/
im not trying to make you guys sad or frusterated... i was just trying to vent a little and idk i was kind of hoping you guys would know some stuff about councilers and stuff cuz i have been thinking about it.. i also have been thinking about just printing off this thread along with the 7 1/2 page paper i wrote on my comp (12 font) and just pushing it under her door and going to bed... then if she didnt break up with him and stuff i would definantly think a lot about foster care...
To me, that sounds like a good way to get your point across. Go for it

ric maniac

Active Member
Originally Posted by stressed=/
my point was IF i looked at him that way i dont think he does anything to little children as in his daycare kids are fine... he always got mad at me when i called him old.. idk he got offended by that like he thinks hes still young and stuff.. idk..
I hate to be harsh, but thats still a predator.


Originally Posted by ric maniac
To me, that sounds like a good way to get your point across. Go for it

i agree or just tell your mom straight up how you feel and see what she says if shes not gonna do anything you should seriously consider talking to a councelor


New Member
Originally Posted by bruner54
i agree or just tell your mom straight up how you feel and see what she says if shes not gonna do anything you should seriously consider talking to a councelor
ive tried bringing it up and hinting it but she just yells at me... or she gets upset and stuff but i havnt really just told her how i feel but when i hint it its like she always gets mad at me.. and idk what she would do if i just told her or pushed it under her door, i think if i did that and went to bed she would come down and wake me up crying... again.. and i hate seeing her cry.. and idk im just trying to make her happy.. she always seems depressed when she isnt dating someone... and she is always stressed out working to be able to afford things and some of my hobbies, i cant do one of them anymore due to it being expensive but idk.. i would be happy if she just didnt go out with him.. and maybe if we never had to talk to him again.. but what about his daughter what if she comes back?..