Striped Damsel


Hi all!
Does anyone have any feedback on the aggressiveness of the 3-4 Striped Damsel? Thinking about one for a peaceful reef tank with a clown, royal gramma, heniochus butterfly and maybe a hippo tang. Any thoughts?


Active Member
My father has had the striped damsel for a year or two now. It is the most aggressive fish in the tank. It will chase fish all day. I don't think it has caused any deaths though.


Just another testimony, I had a striped damsel and it was mean as heck. When I went to catch it it took me 30 min just to get it out, they are fast and hide from the net very well. I sent mine back to the lfs


All damsels are mean little

in general, that's why people use them to cycle tanks. Yeah it may sound cruel, but sometimes the tough little

deserve it. I've had multiple critters murdered by damsels.