

Active Member
Are the stipes always there, or just sometimes? the reason im askeing is because sometimes my bicolor changes pattern/color when it gets scared.


Active Member
Can you describe exactly what you're seeing? Are the stripes bilateral (on both sides)? Any discoloration of the fish?


Originally Posted by nicetry
Can you describe exactly what you're seeing? Are the stripes bilateral (on both sides)? Any discoloration of the fish?
they are on both sides of him


Active Member
Originally Posted by Chance
tey are on both sides of him
I'm inclined to agree with fedukeford. Sounds like a stress reaction. A lot of species of fish exhibit this when upset.


Originally Posted by fedukeford
Are the stipes always there, or just sometimes? the reason im askeing is because sometimes my bicolor changes pattern/color when it gets scared.
I just bought him i did not see any stripes at the pet store though


so could it get ich if not should i take it out of the qt and how long will it be like this
:notsure: :notsure: :help:


thanks evryone i itroduced it to the tank and saw it hide under a rock and walked away for a minute and now i cant find him he probalyis hidding between the rocks


Originally Posted by Chance
so could it get ich if not should i take it out of the qt and how long will it be like this
:notsure: :notsure: :help:
Why in the world did your remove this fish from the QT? You have now exposed your entire tank to whatever he may be carrying. That was a VERY bad idea. I hope the qt that you have can support all of your fish. If not, you may want to get a large enough one set up and cycled. I am not saying you wil definately have to pull your fish, but the possibility is very strong.


Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
I think he miss typed and meant DT. He just got the blenny. Didn't QT him.
No, he clearly had him in qt for a few days then decided to move him into the "tank"
so could it get ich if not should i take it out of the qt and how long will it be like this

thanks evryone i itroduced it to the tank and saw it hide under a rock and walked away for a minute and now i cant find him he probalyis hidding between the rocks