I have only been in saltwater for a lil over a month but I have done tons of research on it........ I started with just my frsh water filter too, bad idea. You really need a filter that has some kind of biological filtration with it. I would go with nothing smaller than an Emperor 280 ( if u decide to buy an Emperor ) I only paid about $60 for mine, but if u get one leave ur other filter on for about 2-3 weeks so what-ever bacteria u already have can colonize the new filter, dont put any fish in yet, I waited about 2-3 weeks before I added my first fish, but I also had a few lbs of LR in there. If you get LR , get some that has nothing growing on it yet, u wont need expensive lights for it untill u decide to put animals in there that need it. I only have frsh water nutri-gro plant lamp lights in mine right now, but I will get more algea and stuff b/c I dont have the right lighting right now. But I would let the tank cycle for a few weeks with nothing in it except ur gravel and LR ( if u get it ) Do u plan on going reef or fish only? And find out if u buy LR if it is cured or not..... that will make a big difference in what u do next......... Have fun with it , it is very interesting to see what starts to grow , exspecially if u get the LR ,,....:jumping: