Strontium & Iodide


Active Member
What do ya think about dosing Strontium & Iodide? They come as part of a reef pack from many manufactures. They also come with calcium. Calcium you can test for Strontium & Iodide you cant.
Doese this get replaced with weekly h2o changes? I use natura sea h2o. One of the advantages of being near the sea.


the average tank doesnt need any supplement for either
both are harmful if overdosed and testing is sketchy at best
just let your water changes provide these elements for ya


Active Member
If your useing fresh natural sea water then you dont need to worry about adding anything unless you have a lot of stony corals but it never hurts to test.

jam marine

Hi agree with dogstar,if u are using natural sea water,like i do,u dont have to add stron or iodine,the only thing u should really keep check on is probably,alk,calcium,which i dose with bionic 2 part:D


Active Member
Natural or synthetic, water changes should be enough to keep up.
Both test kits (Salifert) are tricky to do and get an accurate reading. I am all for testing but with these two tests, caution still needs to be taken.