stubborn aiptaisa


I have one that is in a small hole in my lr.I have shot him with a syringe of boiling water and 3 days later he was back.
Then I tried the super concentrated salt water to no avail.Again couple days later he's back.I assume because it's in a hole I did'nt get the needle in it's body to do any damage.I assume Kalk would have the same effect.If I plug the hole up you think it would die?
All I have is the crappy light strip that came with my tank and I don't feed it so why won't it just die like the good anemones would.Any other suggestions to get him out of this hole or kill it in it.


I had a really big stubborn one once and this is how I defeated it after many attempts: I actually took the rock out of my tank and repeatedly squirted the hell out of hit with 200 degree water mixed with kalk. The only tricky thing is if you take the rock out of the water it is hard to see the anenome because it will go limp and just look like a little blob on the rock. Hope that works for ya.


Make the kalk into a thick paste and squirt it into the hole with a syringe, more or less filling the hole. It will kill the aptasia. After a day or so, use a turkey baster to blast out the kalk. The kalk will have a hard shell after a day, but use the baster to poke a hole in the shell and blast away. This is the way I do it for aptasia in small holes, and it works every time.


Thanks for the replys.No Stumpdog I did not want peperment shrimp.I was considering pulling out the rock as mentioned but was scared I would kill all the little cool things on the rock.I will try the kalk.I was under the impression that the kalk had to be injected into the aiptaisa to work.Thanks again
Stumpdog my nickname is stump also


Active Member
you could try super glue geling him too. I've done that. Just make sure he can't poke out anywhere

the claw

Active Member
Have you seen that epoxy that they use to attach corals to the live rock. It's like clay. Just mix up a small pinch of it and seal the hole. Coralline will grow over it and you won't even know it existed. Just one more option.


taking the rock out for a minute shouldn't hurt anything, but at the same time taking a rock out is kindof disruptive. Some of these other suggestions sound great though, I think I am going to have to try some of them :cool: