Stubborn BTA


I just bought a BTA for my Ocellaris clown in hopes of distracting him from my flowerpot coral. So I added the BTA to the tank Sunday where the clowns usually hang out. But it moved to the back of the tank behind all of my LR :rolleyes:...Figures. Not only is it unaccessable to my clowns now, but it is an area where I can't easily feed it. It seems to like the dark and hanging upsidedown a lot. I know the base of it is suppose to be shaded but all of it is in the shade except for a few tentacles. Is this normal? What can I do to coax it out of it's hole of darkness. It was $80 and I can barely see it...what can I do!?
Hopeless :(


my BTA likes to site inside a cave with just his tenticles out. you best bet would be to leave it alone and let it move on its own. I have heard that bta's dont like 2 much current, so if u dirrect a power head at it, it might move.
Also, isnt 80$ a lot of money. How big is it. My BTA was only 25 dollars, but it is rather small.


Active Member
point a powerhead so that the current is stronger to encourage it to move to another place. Usually that will work unless it's like one of mine which loves being right in front of the maxjet1200. If you move it yourself, it isn't good for it and it will just move again.


I thought it was a lot of $$$ but then again it was a pretty nice specimen and it's a good 6" maybe 7".
I think i'll try that out now, sounds like a good idea. I was also thinking of getting a piece of LR and drilling a section off of it for the base of the anemone, and use it to shadow it. Doubt it would stay put, what do you guys think? Any more ideas anyone?


Hooray! It's starting to come out now, finally! Thanks everyone and BTW what does everyone feed their BTA. I bought silversides, mysis, daphnia, brine, squid, shrimp, and I have some formula 1 + 2. Which one/s should I use?
Plus should I be adding any special supplements for the BTA?


Active Member
I buy bags of frozen squid, octupus, shrimp etc at Wal Mart in the fish section for $4. I chop it up fine and using a turkey baster gently blow a few pieces onto the tenticles of the bta's. I feed them 4 or 5 little pieces twice a week. I feed my fish, inverts etc the same thing.