Stubborn Green Star Polyps


New Member
Has anyone had any experiences with green star polyps that refuse to come out? My water is perfect, no nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, pH is okay, KH is at 9, temperature varies between 75 and 80, salinity 1.026. All of my other corals (including SPS's) are very happy and are always extended....any suggestions??? I've moved the gsp's to another location to see if different H20 flow would work better, no luck....
suggestions are welcome


Mine usually have a period where they don't come out for a couple days to a week and then they will have a growth spurt.


New Member
i use turbo calcium about every other day, they are in moderate flow
it has been about 2 weeks since i have seen them fully extended


Sorry that one stumps me, maybe BANG or someone can help. Have you blown off any excess crude off of them. And do you add iodine?


New Member
1 tsp/wk iodine
1 tsp/wk strontium/molybdenum
3 tsp/wk DT's
1 tsp/wk baking soda
2 false perculas
yellow tang
shrimp goby
4 three stripe damsels
hammer coral
hairy mushroom
kenya tree
acropora tortuosa
pocillipora sp.
montipora sp.
bubble coral


New Member
yeah i agree....whatever, hopefully they will come out soon. thanks for the help, if anyone else has ideas, let me know


New Member
Today when i came home from i was surpirsed to see about half of them open. They look great and i cant wait to see the rest of them open.


Active Member
I had a large mat of regular star polyps for a long time. Open every day......then closed for over a month! I was stumpped until one day I notice my damsle had taken a liking to them! Every time one tried to pop out, he would nip it. The next day he was gone and polyps opened immediatly from then on until I sold them. Keep a close eye on all inhabitants.
If you are trying to spot a biting may have to sit across the room.
I had a fish nipping my brain coral, and every time I came by, he saw me...came to the feeding spot. When I sat away, I noticed that he was nipping at the brain that " just wouldn't open"


I would definately consider somethng bothering them.I have a zebra striped hermit crab that will constantly crawl over my Pagoda coral.The coral will stay closed for some time.I wish I could find something to bother my gsps though,the stuff has gotten into everything!Good luck,and I hope you find your answer.