Stubborn Ich


New Member
I followed the hyposalinity Beth recommended and in fact had my SWF( Hippo Tang and Butterfly) in the QT tank for 4 weeks and everything was fine. I gradualy raised the salinity level back to 1.023 and for 1 week and noticed Ick growing on my Butterfly again. In the past 2 days it has gotten worse and now am starting to lower the salanity level back to 1.009.
Is there anything I can do in addition to the hypo to get rid of this problem or do I need to keep the level at 1.009 for 4-5 weeks.


Staff member
Well, hate to say it, but the glass hydrometer is likely not getting the accuracy that is needed for hypo. When you measure salinity using a glass hydromter, you need to measure the water reading at the lowest level showing on the hydrometer, not where the water level kinda creeps up the glass.
If you can't get a refractometer, try taking the SG down a tad more....note fish stress and if there is any, take it back up.


Staff member
Refractometers are selling for $40 now....can't get much better than that. Refracts can certainly be used for all applications, and not just the treatment of ich.


Active Member
I know of a site that is having a sale on refractometers for $24. I'm not sure of the quality but it has to be more accurate than any swing arm hydrometer. If you leave your email I can give you the site and you can check it out yourself.