Stuck on a step, need help.


Hello all, I will try to keep this short and sweet. I have a 125 running and its 14 days into the fishless cycle. I added pure ammonia to the source of bacteria which I introduced from a disease free aquarium. I maintained my ammonia levels at 5 ppm untill I had detectable nitrites at which that time I cut back to half the amount. My nitrites spiked to around 4 to 5 ppm and then dropped down to 2ppm. Here is my problem, my nitrites have been stuck at 2ppm for the past 5 days. Any advice on how to get them to lower? Should I cut back completely on my ammonia in the aquarium now that its reading 0ppm or should I up the dosage on it? Any input on how to get this fishless cycle over with would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you all,


Active Member
I would definitely stop dosing ammonia. You have plenty of it in there. Just let the cycle do its thing.


IMO...I would just stop...and start waiting it out! Let nature do it's thing!


3 weeks. I am beginning to get algae growth on the bottom of my aquarium. I am about to get a puffer and how him be the only fish for a few months. The nitrites are still at 2ppm.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1fast300z
3 weeks. I am beginning to get algae growth on the bottom of my aquarium. I am about to get a puffer and how him be the only fish for a few months. The nitrites are still at 2ppm.
I would hold off on the puffer. let the tank cycle naturally. Adding a puffer now is a bad idea as the bio load from him is very high. This is the HARDEST time for newly set up tanks and their owners. No one likes to look at a empty tank. You will be far more happier in the long run with less troubles too if you just chill and wait. The algea on the bottom is a new tank thing and will go away eventually. Proper water movement is also essential to stop the diatom bloom.