stuck sea urchin HELP


New Member
I have a long spined sea urchin who some how made it into a watrfall overflow box, he is now stuck where I can see him but when I threaded a pc of air tube under him to slide him up he stiffins up and I can hear his spines breaking off. He has been in there for about 2 weeks I think ( thought it died or something but just found it). My question is should I disconnect the box and see if he gets soft is there is no water, or just strong arm him out and hope I don't do too much damage that will cause his demise? Does any one know how many spines an urchin can loose without causing fatal stress?


New Member
I believe so, but I don't think for long, I'm assuming in saltwater he would decompose rather quickly and he isn't budging


Active Member
Originally Posted by jumpingina
I believe so, but I don't think for long, I'm assuming in saltwater he would decompose rather quickly and he isn't budging
I would do whatever you have to do to get him out and safe. But, I will admitt that my urchin gets into the darndest places and camps out for a while, there have been times when I walked by tand thought "he's dead now" and then a few days latter he's scurrying around someplace else.


New Member
do you think it's better to try and get him out if I take the box off and out of the water or just pull him out and hope for the best?


Active Member
I would take the box out and let him work his way out. Every spine that you break off his exoskeleton is like an open wound.


try to blow him out by filling the tube with water and letting the pump push him out or just blow it out with air and water the water will make a seal and by not touching him he may not swell and bind
Good luck

if that doesn't work put a napekin in the tube and push the napekin it will distribute the pressure evenly and help to get him out


New Member
Just in case anyone is wondering.... the urchin is back in his tank and seems to be doing well. (the waterfall overflow has a siphon that chanels the water through the part that hangs on the tank , then down and passes through a small opening and then back up and over to where the water runs out into the filer down below) I did have to pull him out and ignore the sound of the spines scraping against the plastic. I put a copper wire through air tubing and bent into a hook. some spines broke off leaving a bit attached to it and some became dislodged out of the sockets. slowly he straightened them out. using the good ones to help stand up the knocked over spines and once aligned was able to set them back, he is now moving about. very slowly but still moving and all the spines broken and full are straight. Amazing!


i got one of these as a hitchhiker & i thought it was dead too, actually i didn't even know it was something that was alive untill i couldnt remove it because it was like "glued to the rock" and i crushed all the spikes then the next day it was on the other side of the rock and i freaked out!! then i did research and realized what i had and the spikes grew back and its just fine.