Students "fishing" for beer



First of all I teach high school math and earth science. My story begins last night at about 10:00 PM. I went to 7-11 because we had run out of milk. Anyway, as I was walking out I hear..."Hey, Mr. B hows it going?" It was four former students of mine and I knew right away what they wanted. They approached me and began making small talk. I was just waiting for the question I knew was coming and sure enough a soft voice cracked, "Ah Mr. B, could you please buy us some beer?" Before I had a chance to come out of my skin, another voice said, "Come on Mr. B, you're the coolest teacher we've ever had...please. You won't get in trouble, we're not your students anymore." They had just graduated a month ago. I said, "Ladies and gentlemen do you have any idea what you are asking me to do?" They kept begging and begging saying "We won't tell anyone...promise. And we're not your students anymore and we're all at least 18. Plus we'll give you $10." I just shook my head and said "Have a nice summer ladies and gentlemen." Now I'll be honest, I went fishing for beer when I was a teenager but there is no way I would ever ask a teacher. As I sit here and type, Im still in shock over their stupidity. And what's even more bizare is the fact that they were all good kids of mine earning at least Bs.


Active Member
crazy isn't it??? Not to mention around here some of the kids are working WITH the police and arresting the adults after the purchase is made. Kids are going to be kids, BUT what in the world are the adults THINKING????? :eek:


I don't know but anyone out there who has ever done this or would do it, remember YOU are responsible for the actions of the persons for whom you buy the alcohol for.


Active Member
darn it.... i wanted to put the blame on the guy that bought me my beer...nothing bad happen ...well yea something baddid happen (i got skunky beer !!!!
) but just then i remembered it was me who bought it...


While I was in college the town started a sting program where kids worked undercover with the cops. They asked adults for beer, and if an adult did it . . . in came the cops.


Here in New Hamshire a 21 yr old state representative bought beer for an under age fellow student at UNH. His father is a lawyer and and former state rep. and his grandmother was in the house for 20 years.Tell me he wont get a slap on the wrist! :mad: