Stuff dying a lot!!



Hey guys I have a 12G nano tank that has been up for more than 6 months now. I had a clown and blue tang (I know sirens..tang police)..but they actually got along really well. Anyways, I recently got 3 emerald crabs since my hermit crabs died. Ever since then, a week later, my clown disappeared completely (RIP NEMO-First salt water fish)!! Then I would find the smaller emerald crabs cut in half as well. There is 1 bigger emerald crab about 1 inch big that I think may have eaten them? Is that possible?
Or could it have been something else??
Nothing else in tank except:
1. big emerald crab
2. Blue tang
3. 2x turbo snails
4. cleaner shrimp.
5. bigger hermit crab
I seen a bristle worm the other day that was about 3 inches long. Can it kill? Water levels are ok, they have just been eaten completely or I will just see remains of them.
Any advice or help.


Active Member
First of all it doesn't matter if the clown and tang got along. The tang is going to be stressed out in such a small tank and get sick. You need at the least 75g for that tang Do you test your water? What are the parameters?
Bristle worms do not kill they are actually good for tank. They become a nuisance if they get to big or multiply a lot.


demartini you are quick.....I like your tank setup up BTW..
anyways last water check last weekend came in the following:
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 20
pH: 7.8
Calcium: 400 ppm
Salinity: 1.027
Nano cube design, so non way Nemo could have been sucked up to the back.
Puzzling...I forgot to mention I use to also have a Nassarius Snail and I can't even find him for the sake of me. He use to come out during feeding from under the sand. I would see his little antenna sticking out, but he's gone too. He is pretty big for a worm to eat up..


I have heard that larger emeralds will eat smaller fish...that was the warning my LFS gave me when I bought one. The Nemo "remains" if there are any, may just be hidden where you cannot see them. I would make sure to keep up on the water tests, because if you have a dead fish in there somewhere, it can cause problems with the params.


Active Member
Research, Research, Research. Tangs cannot go in a 12 gallon no matter it's size. Have respect for the fish you keep and atleast meet it's MINIMUM requirements. Just a general statement not flaming and or pointing fingers.