Stuff Eating My Hermit Crabs + Fish


New Member
Hello I was Wondering if you could help me figure out what is eating my crabs and fish. I have a brittle starfish, arrow crab, flower anenime, and a few corals. I think that it's the crab ot the starfish but i don't know which one if someone could help me out that would be great. Thank You


Greetings and welcome to the board.
Give us a little histroy if you will.
What fish did you have that have been "eaten" same with what type of crabs.
What type of brittle star is it that you have?
It would also be nice to know what your water paramiters are.
Depending on what type of brittle star you have it could be him. Do you spot feed your star at all?
There could be something wrong with your water quality causing the fish and crabs to die. In that case the brittle star is only doing his job by cleaining up the remains.


I would highly suspect the brittle star, especially if he is large.
To date mine has eaten numerous crabs, two yellow tail damsels and a mandarin goby...
Spot feeding is a good idea... or get rid of the brittle stars....


New Member
My water quailty is fine no fish have died because of that. The fish that have been eaten are 2 yellow striped damsels and 2 small hermit crabs and I dont spot feel the star fish Because he is always hiding under the rocks so its a pain to move them.The brittle is only about 4 inches when all legs are extended.


Active Member

Originally posted by Thomas712
:) You have a green brittle star don't you ? :thinking:

hehe that was my guess too :)

blue steel

i might be completely wrong, but have you thought about the possibility of a mantis shrimp... I recently had one, that came on lr, that was the culprit to many mysterious deaths