stuff floating on top of water?


What is this stuff that looks like dust on the top of the tank water? I did a water change and like 2 days later there are these particles floating on the surface...what is it? and what do I do to get it out?


That's a somewhat common problem. One way to get rid of it is to have surface agitation. You can direct one of your powerheads to agigtate the surface. Also do you have a protein skimmer...that could come from the over flow into the tank..
I had that problem in the beginning and what I use is a cannister filter with a surface skimmer. I usually run the cannister empty except for the occasional carbon..But mainly is is for added watter movement, so the surface skimmer gets all the surface water and the return aggitates the surface.


pchromis - I just got a canister filter yesterday. Are you relying on your live rock for filtration? I've never used one before.


ok I have a powerhead pointed at the top of the water and I am runing a bak pak 2 protein skimmer. so now what?