Stuff growing on my sand, any ideas?


My tank is about a month old and I noticed that there is something growing on my sand, I have live rock (20 lbs) and 40 lbs live sand. It is also a 33 long tank. I run my lights around 10 - 12 hours a day. My cleaning crew is usually asleep, they don't do much (6 hermits, 5 snails). I will post pics if I can get some good ones. It is mainly along the back of the tank and right where the filter is pushing the sand away, have a side mounted filter.
Any Ideas as what it may be?
Forgot to mention it is brown in color.


cut back on time of lights and invest in a small protein skimmer;
i would but the coralife super skimmer which is 72 dollars; this will help lots with all different problems


Active Member
Sounds like diatoms which is normal for a young tank. It should pass with time, but be aware it could get worse before it gets better.


Originally Posted by bigarn
Sounds like diatoms which is normal for a young tank. It should pass with time, but be aware it could get worse before it gets better.

are they harmful??